






Breadcrumbs kicked off in 2015. These are the thoughts written in 2020. All writings since 1989, including current issue, are available online in a variety of locations.


A PDF is available at:


Breadcrumbs 2020

Bits and Pieces from a Dream of Time


Writing has been an enjoyable process ever since I first began toying with prose; scribbling poetry, keeping journals, corresponding with friends and acquaintances during the college daze. The philosophical/mystical/whatever-you-want-to-call-them thoughts, that have been popping into mind since 1989, have always been very out-of-the-blue spontaneous. Nothing planned or forced about them. They are being shared on the off chance that others may find them of interest, though, quite frankly, it really does not matter if no one else ever even reads them, for I am, first and foremost, my own audience. I got mine, so to speak. I played my little part. I had my share of fun. And it is, as it has ever been, up to each to discern their own, on their own. There are really no followers in this Don Quixote quest; only earnest seekers, who waylay their desires and fears and dreads, enough to discern that which is the end to doubt, the end to dueling with windmills. “Yay” if it is your fate to figure it out. “Oh well” if it is not. And “so it goes” either way, really. Ecclesiastes 1:2 is always a good reminder: “Vanity of vanities,” saith the Preacher, “Vanity of vanities. All is vanity.” Awareness can only, with great effort, regain control, regain sovereignty, from the usurper, imagination, creator of all that is time, creator of all that is space. Creator of all that is illusion, has never been anything more than illusion, will never be anything more than illusion. Only as real as the given moment.


“The Stillness Before Time” is the original work that came together in 1992, including mostly aphorisms, an essay, a newspaper question-and-answer, ten reflections, and lists of both movies and books. Though an early self-published version, long since edited and expanded, can be purchased at major booksellers, a downloadable copy is available, no charge, at the link below. There are also links to a variety of blogs of other creations by me, along with links to many writings of a similar nature, by thinkers and seers from across all times, across all geographies.


"The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim" is the second published book, and is both blogged and available as a PDF download.


The “Breadcrumbs” titles, published annually since 2015, all include the core chapters: Leftovers, Soundbites, Breadcrumbs. In the Breadcrumbs chapters, I unleash thoughts of a more personal nature than in the other two. All just to show I was ensconced in a living, breathing, relativity mundane, oftentimes foolish, mortal mind-body. An actor playing the hand that was dealt; same as everyone else, vain as everyone else. No need to sculpt me into more than I was. No need for myths, nor legends, nor fables, nor miracles, nor cult followings, nor any other fictions, any other absurdities, over to which the human mind, and all its imaginary history, has so often given itself. The Breadcrumbs chapters prove me again and again to be yet another Shakespearian player, as full of the limited and arbitrary as anyone else born into this dream of space and time. So please be sure not to shape me, or these many random thoughts, into some dogmatic absurdity. Use them as a launchpad, not an orbit.


“The Return to Wonder” blog is a compendium of aphorisms not included in the three other works: The Stillness Before Time, The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, and Breadcrumbs. It originally totaled 3,000 pages formatted in 300 ten-page chapters written since 1990-ish. A gradual editing that will likely never be completed, is changing that dynamic into something of a mishmash.


Please note that this sort of wordplay is very haphazard, way too much work to put into any order. Probably best read it in bits and pieces in the here and there. One of those open-to-any-page works. Especially well-suited for coffee shops, coffee tables, and porcelain thrones.


Also note that all writings are always subject to updates and editing, so if you are interested in the most current version – before this house of cards comes tumbling down, and the world grows large again – downloading PDF copies every once and a while might be a reasonable discipline. This applies especially to the current year of Breadcrumbs, which could well be an annual project until the last wheezing breath, though frankly, the temptation to stop writing entirely is not off the table. It is a pleasant way to pass some of the countdown remaining, but it is unlikely there is much ground that has not been wandered by this frame of reference far more than enough already. No matter how many times Sisyphus rolls the boulder up the mountain, it is more than a little doubtful that the blind men and their true-believer followers, will ever discern, ever realize, ever embrace, the elephant in the middle of the room, without fabricating some new form of absurdity. It is the way we roll, it is the way we have always rolled, it is the way we will, far more than probably, always roll. Every species has its limitations, and we have in this mind’s eye, far-exceeded ours.


That said, if you do find these many thoughts at all worth preserving, for whatever times are ahead for this world and all its life forms, please feel free to share them with others who might also appreciate them. Else they may well swiftly slip back into the timeless oblivion from whence they came.


So it goes, either way. I played my part, I said my piece, I had my fun.


All the best,





P.S. For best viewing online, using the largest screen you have available to explore my little theme park, is suggested. Scrolling down and down on a phone screen is just not going to give you the same entrée.


P.P.S. Regarding the name Yaj Ekim ... It is just a reverse spelling of the first and middle names ... Michael Jay Holshouser ... Mike Jay ... Yaj Ekim.


P.P.P.S. Coincidently, make of it whatever you will, or will not, Yaj is an Indian boy’s name meaning worshipper, sacrifice, another name for Shiva, a sage. And Ekim is a Turkish name for October meaning “sowing” (of seeds). All kinds of absurdity can be read into that by the many, so-inclined – none of which was in mind when the idea came to reverse the letters to my name. See P.P.S. for details.


P.P.P.P.S. Yes, I am Shiva. And so are You. No, I am not Shiva. And neither are you. Irony and paradox rule.




The Stillness Before Time

Reflections From a Fellow Sojourner

The Stillness Before Time
Reflections From a Fellow Sojourner


There is really only one Way.

It is without division or boundary.

It is without name or theology.

Awareness is its scripture.

Here now, its venue.

You, its witness.

Your life, the journey.

A PDF is available at:



One Through Thirty
One * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 * Thirty

Of the Human Journey
Got God?
Ten Reflections
Blog and PDF
Blog * PDF
Other Resources
Books * Movies * Links * Blogs
Main Blogs & PDF's
(All blogs and PDF's subject to change, so stay tuned)
The Stillness Before Time
Reflections From a Fellow Sojourner
Blog * PDF
The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim
Blog * PDF
Breadcrumbs 2015
Bits and Pieces From a Dream of Time
Blog * PDF
Breadcrumbs 2018
Bits and Pieces From a Dream of Time
Blog * PDF
Breadcrumbs 2019
Bits and Pieces From a Dream of Time
Blog * PDF
Breadcrumbs 2020
Bits and Pieces From a Dream of Time
Blog * PDF
Breadcrumbs 2021
Bits and Pieces From a Dream of Time
Blog * PDF
Breadcrumbs 2022
Bits and Pieces From a Dream of Time
Blog * PDF
Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond
Bits and Pieces From a Dream of Time
Blog * PDF
The Return to Wonder
Field Notes From the Unknown
(Major edit underway -- Edited copy colored blue)
Blog * PDF
Blogs & PDF's of Other Works
Michael's Rabbit Hole
A Selection of Breadcrumbs & Other Aphorisms
Blog * PDF
The Call of the Eternal
A Conversation With My Self
Blog * PDF
Imagination: The Great Usurper
Blog * PDF
Lost in Translation
The Human Paradigm's Linguistic Muddle
Blog * PDF
The Gordian Knot of Ethical Thinking
Blog * PDF
Jesus on Prophets
What Any Seer Likely Faces Returning to the Cave of Origin
Blog * PDF
Aftershocks Autumn 2024
Blog * PDF
Of Meaning and Purpose
Ponderings About the Futility of It All
Blog * PDF


Frames of Reference
Peering Through the Windows of Perception
Blog * PDF


Mystery, Mystery & More Mystery
Blog * PDF
Imagination, Imagination & More Imagination
Blog * PDF
Doubt, Doubt & More Doubt
Blog * PDF
Science, Science & More Science
Blog * PDF
History, History & More History
Blog * PDF
Patterns, Patterns & More Patterns
Blog * PDF
Reincarnation, Reincarnation & More Reincarnation
Blog * PDF
Standouts From the Return to Wonder Edit
Selections From the First Sixteen Chapters
Blog * PDF
Of the Human Journey
Along with Got God? And Ten Reflections
Blog * PDF
To Be or Not to Be
Blog * PDF
The Mystery of the Mystery
Blog * PDF
Who Was the First?
Blog * PDF
The Real is Discovering
Blog * PDF
59 Moments to The Way It Is (And Is Not)
The Scribe's Guide to the Great Whatthe#$*!?
Blog * PDF
An Incomplete Selection 0f Contemplative Definitions
Blog * PDF
A Variety of Letters, Emails, Texts, & Sundry Odd 'n Ends
Blog * PDF
Titles, Titles & More Titles
Blog * PDF
Even More

Titles, Titles & More Titles
Blog * PDF
Sketches of the Once Upon a Time
A Few Epiphanies and Other Hallmark Moments
Blog * PDF
The Corollaries of Yaj Ekim
Blog * PDF
Possible Last Words & Epitaphs
Blog * PDF
The Standard Ripostes
The Scribe's Go-to Responses to This and That in the Day-To-Day
Blog * PDF
My (Not Quite) Haiku
Blog * PDF
Jester Amok
Blog * Facebook * Facebook (Original)
Uncle Sam Says
Blog * Facebook
Once Upon a Christmas
Blog * PDF
Ditties for the Bluegrass Pyre
Blog * PDF
A Short List of Books for the Up and Coming
Some Written Works That May Help Get the Young up to Speed
Blog * PDF
Spam Responses (a.k.a., WTF Is This Shit!?)
Blog * PDF
A Collection of Miscellaneous Creations
Final Exit and Related Links
COVID-19 Information Links
The Blind Men and the Elephant
Of A Philosophical Nature
The Four Agreements
The Joyful Curmudgeon
12 Rules You Can Live By
Quotes, Quotes & More Quotes
Fichier Circulaire de Michael
How to Work in Any Environment
50 Rules Kids Won't Learn in School
Election 2016: The Rise (and Fall?) of Donald Trump
Michael's Little Warehouse of All Things Amusing, Absurd & Profound
Other Blogs and PDF's by Michael
Other Blogs and PDF's by Michael
Michael Holshouser
Fichier Circulaire de Michael
(Michael's Circular File)

Yaj Ekim
Michael Holshouser



Nine Translations of the Ashtavakra Gita
The Heart of Awareness (Byrom)
Ashtavakra Gita (Marshall)
Bitten by the Black Snake (Schoch)
Ashtavakra Gita (Richards)
A Duet of One (Balsekar)
Astavakra Samhita (Wood)
Ashtavakra Gita (Shastri)
Ashtavakra Gita (Saraswati)
Ashtavakra Gita (Vedic Scriptures)
PDF's of Nine Translations of the Ashtavakra Gita
The Heart of Awareness (Byrom)
Ashtavakra Gita (Marshall)
Bitten by the Black Snake (Schoch)
Ashtavakra Gita (Richards)
A Duet of One (Balsekar)
Astavakra Samhita (Wood)
Ashtavakra Gita (Shastri)
Ashtavakra Gita (Saraswati)
Ashtavakra Gita (Vedic Scriptures)
Ashtavakra Gita: I Am Shiva
Ashtavakra Gita: I Am Shiva
PDF's of Ashtavakra Gita: I Am Shiva
Ashtavakra Gita: I Am Shiva
I Am Shiva Comparison Chart
Four Translations of the Avadhuta Gita
Avadhuta Gita: Song of the Ever-Free (Marshall)
Song of the Avadhut (Abhayananda)
Avadhut Gita (Shastri)
Avadhuta Gita: The Song of the Ascetic (Sinha)
PDF's of Four Translations of the Avadhuta Gita
Avadhuta Gita: Song of the Ever-Free (Marshall)
Song of the Avadhut (Abhayananda)
Avadhut Gita (Shastri)
Avadhuta Gita: The Song of the Ascetic (Sinha)
Translations of Other Ancient Writings
Tao Te Ching: Verse One
Tao Te Ching (Marshall)
Bhagavad Gita (Marshall)
Yoga Sutras (Marshall)
Dhammapada (Marshall)
Ecclesiastes (Marshall)
Atma Bodha (Chinmayananda)
The Essence of the Ribhu Gitaj (Aiyer)
Yoga Vasishta Sara (Ramasramam)
Crest-Jewel of Discrimination (Madhavananda)
Mandukya Upanishad & Mandukya Karika of Gaudapada (Panoli)
Gaudapada: Advaita Vedanta's First Philosopher (Jones)
Translations of Ancient Writings by Bart Marshall
Avadhuta Gita: Song of the Ever-Free
Ashtavakra Gita
Tao Te Ching
Bhagavad Gita
Yoga Sutras
Writings by Bart Marshall
Verses Regarding True Nature
One Hundred Two Haiku



* * * * * * * * * *


Breadcrumbs 2020

Bits and Pieces from a Dream of Time

© Michael J. Holshouser 2020

World Rights Reserved


Michael J. Holshouser

1112 Cedar Creek Drive, Unit 4

Modesto, California 95355-5213

The United States of America


Pronunciation: Holtzhowzer


All have the express written encouragement

To distribute this creation freely to any and all

Who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear

The mystery in which each and every one

Equally participates in so many ways



Any given life is filled with so many adventures, so many misadventures,

All vague perceptions that never happened the way they are remembered.

* * * *

No one can teach you what is true.

You must explore it alone, discern it alone.

Awareness is all, and timelessly awaits your presence.

* * * *

There are indeed many classes, many grades, many calibers, of imagination,

But all are nonetheless imagination, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

Why wait for the Fates to decide your end by some other foul hand?

Whose hand is better suited for your own departure than your own?

* * * *

Rather than asking children what they are going to be when they grow up,

Would it not be more accurate to ask them what they think they might do?

* * * *


The eternal moment is all there is.

All meaning and purpose is illusion.

Only the mind moves the clock’s hands.

Only the mind turns the calendar’s pages.

Only the mind measures all things imaginable.

* * * *

Espousing any religion only shows

How far humankind has drifted from its origin.

What need does nature have for dogma?

* * * *

If there is an original sin, a dubious concept from the get-go,

It is the choiceless happenstance, the cosmic spin of the quantum roulette wheel, of being born.

You did not ask to be here; you are not required to stay here.

There is only one exit.

* * * *

The natural world operates at a level of Darwinian purity

That the human species long ago stopped giving exclusive attention.

A garden still very much present, to which only the singular few discern access.

* * * *

All religion, all spirituality, is nothing more than the drivel

That individuals and groups incessantly drone on and on about

To give their tawdry lives meaning and purpose where there is none.

Massive piles of hooey-balooey inanity to occupy otherwise empty minds.

* * * *

Chances are you are already all but forgotten by most everybody

You have ever called lover, friend, acquaintance, stranger, or foe.

* * * *

Imagination is the creator of everything.

The cosmic universe, the world,

All things sentient, all things inanimate,

All cultures, all languages, all deities, all dogmas,

All histories, all sciences, all mathematics, all music, all art,

All industries, all technologies, all measurements, all space, all time.

Every illusion, every vanity, every everything, under any and every given sun.

All nothing more than imagination.

* * * *

In the ever-evolving human paradigm,

With its thus-far ever-snowballing population,

And seemingly interminable propensity for tool-making,

There has been a steady shift from generalization to specialization,

From individuals being competent in several different fields or activities,

With a broad array of knowledge and ability on a variety of subjects, useful or not,

To one where industry and expertise are ever divvied up for efficiency’s exalted objectives.

The specialist narrows down his worldview to fulfill his work, his calling, his genius.

The generalist, the jack-of-all-trades, sails many oceans, wanders many ports,

Witnessing and appreciating the talents of those tied to one anchorage.

* * * *

Buddhism can be shared, taught, practiced,

But Buddhahood, that is altogether another matter.

Something no mind bound to time can grasp.

* * * *

Large brain, imagination, sense of self,

Opposable thumbs, arms, legs, larynx, lungs, cooling system,

Ability to manipulate the environment and fabricate tools, tribalism, superstition,
Made us what we are, keep us what we are.

* * * *

There is no god, only awareness.

All deities are the imaginary creations of human consciousness

Ever grappling with the unknowable.

* * * *

The inner eye of awareness witnesses indivisibly.

Allow consciousness to wander willy-nilly,

And the world erupts into the anarchy and absurdity

Of every form of vanity and the countless judgments it inspires.

* * * *

Political persuasions are formed in the black and white versus gray of the given wiring.

Spawned by nature, given wind by nurture, they play out in every way across the board.

‘Tis the double-double-toil-and-trouble of opposing dynamics cooking the stew divisive.

* * * *

The agonies and ecstasies of the human epoch are beyond counting,

And the tranquil mind has little to offer in the way of repair

But to meander about with impassive steadfastness,

Giving it no mind as time and mood allow.

* * * *

What is old age but another day of counting one’s wealth

And aches and pains and woes and all the world’s travails?

* * * *

Chances are if you scratch deeply enough,

There will be a rational explanation for everything.

The immaculate nature of Nature is incapable of anything else.

* * * *

Science is the never-ending exploration of nature in all its grandeur.

Any conclusion that is not open to question sullies its primary directive.

Despite the fact that existence is an illusion, that it is naught but a dream,

Science offers the most reliable, accurate watchtower imagination can offer.

* * * *

The heavens and hells of all religions across all times and geographies,

Are nothing more than carrot and stick manipulation

Of ignorance in all its susceptibility.

* * * *

What is history?

My story, your story, his story. her story, their story, our story, the story.

All nothing more than imagination larking about in each and every mind.

* * * *

The quantum cosmos within.

The quantum cosmos without.

All the same, what a mystery.

* * * *

Positing a god or gods, a creation, a cosmos, a mystery,

That does not include the you that you truly are,

Is absurd beyond all notions of absurdity.

* * * *

History has never existed as more than a fiction of imagination.

It is but a shadow given reality in the vanity of human consciousness,

Ever since its evolutionary ascension in the primal jungles long before time.

* * * *

Awareness is the ethereal abyss

In which quantum earth, quantum water, quantum fire, quantum wind,

Play out the mirage of life in all its forms.

* * * *

Nature, whether you love it or hate it or ignore it, is always there,

Timelessly creating and destroying your world, your universe, and you.

* * * *

Why pretend, why make-believe, why fantasize, why feign, you know,

Who-what-where-when-why-how all this is happening,

When you do not, when you cannot.

It is a mystery.

Leave it, weave it, at that.

* * * *

So much suffering, and for what, really, but the mirage of vanity,

The delusions of narcissism and hedonism, the contrail of imagination.

* * * *

There is the rational response.

There is the passionate response.

To which are you predisposed?

* * * *

No matter how wild you are, if you are hungry, cold, lonely, weak, sick;

You will likely capitulate, you will likely tame yourself, to a giving hand.

* * * *

Every culture has a history, every culture has a narrative.

Every culture makes every conceivable-feasible effort

To manipulate the future into its enduring likeness.

* * * *

Take a good inward look at how seriously you take yourself and your world.

It is not at all unlikely you need to both figuratively and literally lighten up.

* * * *

You cannot distinguish this awareness, you cannot be this awareness,

If/when you are attached to anything born of imagination.

It is a very timeless realization of the sentience

That permeates the all and none.

* * * *

There are no teachers, no coaches, no masters.

It is you who chooses to school yourself.

It is you who chooses to learn, or not to learn.

It is you who chooses to study, to observe, to realize.

It is you who chooses to put together an imaginary cosmos.

It is you who creates the frame of reference in which you will abide.

* * * *

The House of Cards can only go so high.

Greed took it up; greed will take it down.

* * * *

You are in an imaginary prison of your own making

Until you clearly discern the relativity of consciousness,

And the absoluteness of the awareness in which it wanders.

* * * *

Many if not all do not easily tolerate things with which they disagree,

Or do things for which they have little disposition.

Ergo, carrots and sticks.

* * * *

You are as perfect as quantum’s indivisible mystery,

And as imperfect as humankind’s divisible mundane.

* * * *

The endpoint of the philosophical quest

Is the realization that there is no meaning and purpose

Other than what the moment offers, other than what the moment calls for.

It is the vain therapy of fools seeking a greater that is not.

* * * *

Detach the timeless awareness from the time-bound mind-body consciousness,

And who are you, what are you, where are you, why are you, how are you?

The world, the universe, are but temporal notions born of imagination.

* * * *

All sense of self is but imaginary notion born of an evolutionary context.

Awareness, ever-present, without frames or boundaries, is the only reality.

* * * *

Growing old so often becomes more about decrying ill health,

And reminiscing the wonders of youthful vigor,

Than anything deemed living.

* * * *

In the ever-present awareness:

Who is the me, the myself, the I?

What is the me, the myself, the I?

Where is the me, the myself, the I?

When is the me, the myself, the I?

Why is the me, the myself, the I?

How is the me, the myself, the I?

* * * *

Best not be too attached to that body.

It is ever-changing and eventually falls off,

No matter what you do to keep it going.

* * * *

The challenge is renouncing the sorrow of consciousness for the quietude of awareness.

In transcending attachment to the mundane-secular-time-bound world

For the timeless insecurity of immaculate awareness.

* * * *

The body is the result of a seed, a blueprint, ever-changing since life’s creation.

The you that you really are, the you that you really are not,

Has never been what you think.

* * * *

Matters of conscience generally so vary with circumstance,

That it may well be more than rarely worth giving great credence.

The karmic undertone of the Golden Rule is surely enough:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Mindfulness is the path to a serene existence.

* * * *

Never hesitate to change the way you habitually do something.

Amazing how often a different approach, a different strategy, a different tactic,

Can be for the better, or at least confirm the one in play.

* * * *

Every culture that has ever existed has had its deities and demons,

All nothing more than the fabrications of imagination,

None more or less real than any other.

* * * *

History is the invention of whatever mind deems rumored events worth remembering,

And wielding the narrative it discerns into an amalgamation that never really happened.

* * * *

The identity you pretend is only as capable of functioning

As the given mind-body the awareness you truly are inhabits.

* * * *

It is the essence of the one and only timeless moment,

That the beginnings of all ends are the ends of all beginnings.

That all causes become all effects, and all effects become all causes.

That what is called reality is but an ever-kaleidoscoping sensory illusion.

* * * *

You are the mystery come unto life.

You are the mystery come unto awareness.

You are the mystery come unto consciousness.

You are the mystery come unto imagination.

* * * *

There you so many narcissistic, hedonistic moments are,

Still trying to fill the abyss, still trying to become something.

Things that imagination can never more than pretend to achieve.

* * * *

Negation is simply clearly realizing the awareness that you actually are

Is none of the many concoctions of imagination born of mind,

And letting them all go, and becoming very, very still.

* * * *

The ephemeral dream of consciousness is without tangibility,

Without meaning or purpose, without beginning or conclusion.

Any given existence is nothing more than a fiction of imagination.

* * * *

You did not exist a moment ago, nor will you a moment hence.

This singular moment is the one and only timeless, indivisible now.

* * * *

Rest easy in the forebrain, where all dreaming appears and disappears each and every moment.

The space, where from nothing, imagination weaves its reverie of space and time

In the thunder and lightning of the conditioned mind.

* * * *

You appear but a speck of the cosmos,

Yet without you to witness it, it would not, could not be.

It is an inexplicable, indivisible, quantum mystery born of imagination,

In which observer and observed are interminably intertwined

In the all-pervading, unborn-undying awareness

Prior to all plays of consciousness.

* * * *

Chances are once you sell something, or give it away, or throw it away,

That you rarely at best ever think upon it again.

Out of sight, out of mind.

* * * *

What is human existence but a spectrum of love and hate,

With an array of different shades of like and dislike between.

* * * *

What is it induces such longing for a lengthy existence full of pain and suffering,

When so many monotonous and trivial and pitiless moments are the compensation?

What is pleasure but the absence of the untold agonies the mind-body so easily bestows?

* * * *

Language, mathematics, music, are all inventions of the imaginary mind born of illusion.

They sashay through eternity’s ether like the smoke of all things earth, water, air, fire.

They persevere for only as long as imagination maintains its holographic universe.

* * * *

How is it that the eternal moment is not enough for you?

How is it that you always want more than heaven can offer?

* * * *

In all of history’s free-for-alls for democracy,

When has government of the people, by the people, for the people,

Really ever not been government of the oligarchy, by the oligarchy, for the oligarchy?

* * * *

What is this need to delineate an identity?

Words cannot even begin to broach the sovereignty

Of the awareness you every moment truly are, and are not.

* * * *

The more you know, the more you must forget.

The more you possess, the more you must discard.

The ascetic life is inclined to simplicity and freedom.

* * * *

How can that which is a temporal fabrication of analog creation

Ever fully comprehend, fully surrender, to that timelessness which is prior?

A maddening and pointless exercise to which only fools are drawn.

* * * *

What is sanity, what is insanity,

But all the standards of any given culture

Asserting this or that is or is not acceptable behavior.

Standing alone, standing sovereign, is not for the meek of spirit.

* * * *

Through all agonies, through all ecstasies,

The awareness is ever the same.

It chooses no sides, it chooses no modes.

All states of consciousness are equally transcended.

* * * *

For the awareness that is the omniscient-omnipresent-omnipotent witness to stand alone,

The consciousness of imagined little self must surrender to the stillness which is absolute.

* * * *

How can you who are the unborn-undying awareness

Not be the witness within and without every seed ever born

Across the vast ever and ever of all quantum creation?

Not a string of separate lives, but an ocean of all.

* * * *

No matter how many ways

You add or subtract or multiply or divide or whatever the moment,

It is always the same.

* * * *

Awareness, consciousness, perception, memory, imagination, are one in the same, the same in one.

The cosmos is nothing more than the happenchance of quantum selection since the mystery’s origin.

To suppose some separate creator creating it all, is to misconstrue the fact that it is all very much you.

Not a point to be taken in some proud, vainglorious, narcissistic way, but one to be discerned

As the way it truly is, the way it has always truly been, the way will ever truly be.

You are source, source is you, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

The given second, the given minute, the given hour,

The given day, the given week, the given month, the given year,

The given decade, the given century, the given millennium, the given epoch,

All played out in the same awareness of the same given moment.

* * * *

The dilemma of stuff is how much time and effort and resources it can take

To purchase it, use it, maintain it, clean it, dust it, repair it, organize it, store it,

Protect it, insure it, use it, sell it, give it away, throw it away, and whatever else it.

Generally enjoyable for a time, but sooner or later something of an albatross.

* * * *

There is no history, only historians.

There is no translation, only translators.

There are no Christs, there are no Buddhas,

Only middlemen and followers and circus tents.

* * * *

Ethics in warfare is rooted in complete and utter absurdity.

If you are steadfastly resolved on annihilating an individual or group,

Why should-could-would it possibly matter how you do it?

Dead is dead, no matter the ways and means.

* * * *

Knowledge is perception recalling.

All futures are but empty speculation.

Speculation does not count as knowledge.

It utilizes knowledge to predict possibilities,

But can never transcend its veiled nature.

* * * *

To say it is all you, is not some vain reckoning, but a most hallowed fact,

To which only the most discerning, the most immaculate minds, are privy.

* * * *

Waking dreams, sleeping dreams, what different, really?

Both are fictions of consciousness, of imagination,

Of minds born of illusory quantum play.

* * * *

Any god or gods born of imaginary notion are false, meaningless idols,

Whose chief function is to feed the narcissism of the individual,

And the collective in which the individual participates.

* * * *

The ever-changing moment.

Sometimes it creates, sometimes it preserves, sometimes it destroys.

There is no knowing what will come next.

* * * *

A good day is washed away by the next.

A bad day is washed away by a good one.

Ebb and flow, always ebb and flow.

* * * *

How many women are only interested in a man’s youthful pastimes

For as long as it takes to reign him in for their own domestic purpose?

* * * *

How many people pigeonhole everyone and everything,

Rather than view it all freshly as the moment allows?

* * * *

Are you sure what you think happened, actually happened?

And then are you sure what actually happened, actually happened?

What story, what narrative, what description, what account, what chronicle,

Can ever be as real, can ever be as true, as the original moment?

* * * *

The drive of life to sustain itself is the only real meaning and purpose.

Without it, nothing: zero, nil, zilch, void, extinction, annihilation, oblivion.

* * * *

Every moment is in quantum reality entirely unrelated to any other,

But through the time-bound dream of consciousness.

All continuity is but imaginary notion.

* * * *

There is no creator, only creating; there is no destroyer, only destroying.

And they are both one in the same each and every never-changing moment.

* * * *

The Witness manifests many different ways.

Try not to get caught up in the greater or lesser game.

None of it will matter when the Reaper shows up for the harvest.

* * * *

Yet another mind grossly unhinged by industry, technology,

And all the other wayward contrivances born of the human mind.

* * * *

Who is the identity?

What is the identity?

Where is the identity?

When is the identity?

Why is the identity?

How is the identity?

* * * *

It is imagination that clings to all its imaginary notions.

Reality is ever-changing in its ever-same, indivisible way.

* * * *

The last human …will it be a man? A woman? A boy? A girl?

Who will it be? What will happen? Where will it happen?

When will it happen? Why will it happen? How will it happen?

What will be the last story of the final spark of human consciousness?

* * * *

God, as so many dualistic creeds of these modern times would have it,

Is Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and the Great Pumpkin,

All bundled up nice-and-tidy-and-a-tad-more-than-all-perfect into one Judge Judy.

* * * *

What happened a moment ago, what will happen a moment hence,

Is not where the wheel is hitting the road, and only imagination cares.

* * * *

Every seed is a one-time adventure.

The indelible, unborn-undying, timeless awareness

That witnesses its sensory play is, however, quite another matter.

* * * *

Each and every moment is a new beginning, a new ending.

Why believe, why imagine, you can ever hold on to anything?

* * * *

What is all philosophy but different shades of lipstick on the same mystery.

For each and every observer who might ponder it deeply, it is equally new.

* * * *

… there is but one moment …

… this moment …

… is the same as this moment …

… is the same as this moment … is the same as this moment …

… is the same as this moment … is the same as this moment … is the same as this moment …

… is the same as this moment … is the same as this moment …

… is the same as this moment …

… the one and only eternal reality …

… whatever the theater …

* * * *

Every life form is the same quantum mystery, the same awareness, indivisibly alone,

Each peering out into a completely unique, completely sovereign creation.

If you are questing an omniscient-omnipresent-omnipotent god,

That grand vision of totality, which also includes you,

Is as real and true as it can ever get.

* * * *

Did something happen for a reason? Or did something just happen to happen?

Fallacies are mistaken beliefs, especially ones based on unsound argument.

Piecing together things to give meaning and purpose where none exist.

Mind is good at connecting dots, but often into great absurdities;

* * * *

You are indelible awareness.

Try not to believe what you see.

Try not to believe what you hear.

Try not to believe what you taste.

Try not to believe what you smell.

Try not to believe what you feel.

And most of all …

Try not to believe what you think.

* * * *

We are all first and last in our own little dream.

Every window of time offers its own articulation.

None are greater or lesser, despite all assertions.

* * * *

From small tribal bands to the greatest civilizations,

What has any cultural grouping ever been,

But ideas born of vanity.

* * * *

All values, all standards, all morals, all ethics, all ideals, all principles, all tenets, all beliefs,

Are subjective, arbitrary, fallacious, sentimental, distorted, idiosyncratic,

Skewed, prejudiced, colored, slanted, biased, personal.

Meaningful only to minds conditioned, habituated to believe them.

* * * *

Existence becomes a preoccupation, an obligation, a predictable routine,

A commitment to enduring endless rounds of monotony and suffering

Between relatively brief respites of what is considered exiting or pleasurable,

To what end only death (perhaps) knows, if knowledge is at all important in oblivion.

* * * *

It is imagination that clings to all its imaginary notions

Founded upon the sensory-mind quantum matrix.

Reality is ever-changing in its ever-same way.

* * * *

Neither up nor down, right nor left, forward nor backward,

Nor any other symmetrical or asymmetrical orientation, either.

You are the one and only center stage awareness peering out

Into your rendition of the sensory-mind quantum theater.

* * * *

What will the cosmos be like without you?

What will you be like without the cosmos?

* * * *

The human experience it remarkably painful, yet we endure,

And continue breeding so that the future will get its due, as well.

* * * *

Take an hour, split it in half.

Take that half and divide it in half,

And then half that half into yet another half,

And half and half and half again and again and again,

Until there is but the half-est half that half can consciously be,

And that half will still be more half than the one and only twinkling,

In which all time born of human mind imagines its measured passing to be.

* * * *

What are all old sickly folk doing but just hanging on and on and on,

Taking up space, breathing and imbibing and otherwise devouring

The future’s air and water and other ways and means au naturel.

* * * *

Every group has its raison d'etre.

Group decisions are less about conspiracy

Than they are mission statements put into action.

* * * *

Who are you?

What are you?

Where are you

When are you?

Why are you?

How are you?

And …

Are you sure?

* * * *

Who are you?

What are you?

Where are you?

When are you?

Why are you?

How are you?

And …


Makes you so goll-darned-friggin’-beyond-all-doubt sure?

* * * *

Who are you? What are you? Where are you? When are you? Why are you? How are you?

And who-what-where-when-why-how makes you so goll-darned-friggin’-beyond-all-doubt sure?

* * * *

Glance over at the weary old woman sitting very alone at the thieving slot machine three stools away;

Chain-smoking cigarette after cigarette, downing as many gin and tonics as the waitress will allow.

Though she does not even begin to fathom it, she is just as much the indivisible mystery as you.

So do not get all pride-filled and judgmental believing you are special for discerning the obvious.

* * * *

Become a stranger to the mind-body that the timeless awareness you truly are inhabits.

Be as aloof toward your passing dream of consciousness as you would be to any other’s.

* * * *

And lo, the garden of the seven days was no more.

Torn asunder, covered by asphalt, cement, glass, and plastic, it had lost its way,

Forever scarred by the mind of man evolved of the garden so long ago.

And though blades of grass labored through the many cracks,

God gazed down and forlornly sighed, “Meh.”

* * * *

What is to feel happy for? What is to feel sorrow about? What is to feel angry at?

What is any passion but the self absorption of desire and rage and fervor,

A dream that is not real, has never been real, will never be real.

* * * *

I am center stage in my dream, you center stage in yours.

What is to be done but play on however the mystery calls.

* * * *

Awareness, you are, you are.

The eternal ever-present moment.

Nothing less, nothing more, nothing but.

* * * *

Who is the who?

What is the what?

Where is the where?

When is the when?

Why is the why?

How is the how?

* * * *

Sun Tzu said, “The art of war recognizes nine varieties of ground.”

1) Dispersive Ground:

When a chieftain is fighting in his own territory, it is dispersive ground.

2) Facile Ground:

When he has penetrated into hostile territory, but to no great distance, it is facile ground.

3) Contentious Ground:

Ground the possession of which imports great advantage to either side, is contentious ground.

4) Open Ground:

Ground on which each side has liberty of movement is open ground.

5) Ground of Intersecting Highways:

Ground which forms the key to three contiguous states,

so that he who occupies it first has most of the Empire at his command,

is a ground of intersecting highways.

6) Serious Ground:

When an army has penetrated into the heart of a hostile country,

leaving a number of fortified cities in its rear, it is serious ground.

7) Difficult Ground:

Mountain forests, rugged steeps, marshes and fens,

all country that is hard to traverse, this is difficult ground.

8) Hemmed-In Ground:

Ground which is reached through narrow gorges,

and from which we can only retire by tortuous paths,

so that a small number of the enemy would suffice to crush a large body of our men,

this is hemmed in ground.

9) Desperate Ground:

Ground on which we can only be saved from destruction

by fighting without delay, is desperate ground.

Always be aware of the ground on which you stand,

The ground through which you pass,

The ground through which you intend to stand or pass,

The ground in which you have stood or through which you have passed,

And the quantum nature of which all are equally fashioned,

Ever-indivisible beneath your indivisble feet.

* * * *

Cultures across every time and geography have always added imagery and idolatry

– gratuitous, frivolous, meaningless usurpations ever born of imagination –

To their ceaseless speculations regarding this unsolvable mystery,

All of which are utterly pointless when it comes to the quest for truth.

* * * *

Who is I?

What is I?

Where is I?

When is I?

Why is I?

How is I?

* * * *

All are alone, center stage in their universe,

And all others are but ever-kaleidoscoping reflections

Born of the sensory theater that nature-nurture hath wrought.

* * * *

Always a sound and rational idea to hold fast with the Seven C’s of effective communication:

Clarity, conciseness, concreteness, correctness, coherence, completeness, and courteousness.

* * * *

There is only awareness.

There is only this one ever-present moment in which awareness is.

You are the awareness, you are the moment.

There is no other.

* * * *

Awareness equally, timelessly, permeates all dimensions,

In the one and only everlasting moment, as eternity ordains.

* * * *

The universe is an ever-mutating theater of quantum design

How it came to this or that, how it continues on,

Only ignorance imagines knowing.

* * * *

Here you are now.

Here you are now.

Here you are now.

Here you are now.

Here you are now.

Here you are …

* * * *

No, not that.

And not that, either.

And throw out that one, too.

Such is the destiny of all speculation.

* * * *

This is the one and only here, the one and only now,

The one and only awareness, the one and only moment.

* * * *

Always wanting it to be what it can never be, has no need to be.

How can you be so gluttonous when there is nothing to feed?

* * * *

Hard to start, hard to continue, hard to finish,

Hard to not wish you could do it all again and again.

* * * *

Who? Who cares anyway?

What? What does it matter?

Where? Where do you think?

When? When do you please?

Why? Why does it matter?

How? How do you know?

* * * *

Why would what others think of you, why would what you think of yourself,

Ever matter at all to the awareness you truly are, have ever been, will ever be?

* * * *

What is there to transcend,

When the moment from which awareness peers,

Is every figment you could yearn to be.

* * * *

So many speculations, none any more or less true than any other.

What point the delusion of knowing what can never be known?

* * * *

All sorts of things that make a life weave and bob.

No rewind button, so tally ho, damn the torpedoes.

* * * *

The pain and suffering of mortal existence is insurmountable

But through the complete and utter indifference of pure awareness.

* * * *

Spin that narrative however you will, it is just a story.

Imagined, fabricated, temporal, bounded,

Destined to be forgotten.

* * * *

Where does the universe go when you close your eyes?

What is the universe doing behind the back of your head?

Not blinking or turning around will not provide the answer.

* * * *

That man you slayed was not so different than you.

He had a mother, he had a father, he had sisters, he had brothers.

He had girlfriends, wives, children, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles.

He had friends, acquaintances, partners, co-workers, adversaries.

The only difference was he belonged to a different tribe.

A difference your tribe would not tolerate.

* * * *

Pain and suffering are created by imagination’s flight in the illusory winds of time and space.

To be still in the awareness that is source, is to detach from the body and the cosmos it creates.

* * * *

All the plagues geographies throughout time have witnessed,

Are Mother Nature’s attempts to stop the human one.

One of these fine daze, she will get it right.

* * * *

Would you every be as concerned

What any other creature thought of you

As you are some stranger passing on a sidewalk?

* * * *

Self-interest is the underlying context for all human interaction.

Love is bullshit unless one truly transcends into the agape rendition.

* * * *

How can you be sure it was not your nature-nurture conditioning,

The patterned interplay of your genetic inheritance and other biological factors,

And the countless influences of external factors after conception,

That tacked you left, not right, or right, not left?

Free will is a dubious assumption.

* * * *

The dearth of wise and trustworthy leadership in this our modern world

Is not going to get any better any time ever in the human paradigm.

Any and all revolutions will only replace what is with the same.

The little folk who might yearn for more are on their own.

Power and fame and fortune do not tend to seduce the selfless.

So it goes, too bad, so sorry, oh well, deal with it, get over it, move on.

* * * *

If you sincerely regret something you did or did not do,

It probably means you would do it differently,

Or at least attempt to do it differently,

Were there a rewind button.

Meanwhile, try to forgive yourself.

* * * *

Who is attached to who?

What is attached to what?

Where is attached to where?

When is attached to when?

Why is attached to why?

How is attached to how?

* * * *

Each and every moment takes up a mighty big swath

When you ponder the breadth and depth

Of the cosmos it contains.

* * * *

Who sees who?

Who tastes who?

Who smells who?

Who hears who?

Who feels who?

* * * *

You have been a time-traveler ever since the body was born,

And will return to oblivion, obscurity, nothingness, void, when it perishes.

Such is the nature of the reverie for all the living things in which you timelessly abide.

* * * *

The human paradigm is an outcome of memory cells created through evolutionary happenstance,

Through natural selection in such as a way as to conjure up a sense of self,

And the rest is the imaginary tale we call history.

* * * *

No matter that it be alleged fact or fantastical fiction, all thinkers, all writers, all actors,

All historians, all scientists, all mathematicians, all engineers, all electricians,

All architects, all carpenters, all chefs, all tailors, all cobblers,

All inventors, all producers, all originators,

All creators of every variety, every scope, are storytellers.

* * * *

The entire human paradigm has never been about free will.

It was ordained, predetermined, destined, fated,

Genetically sequenced from the get-go.

* * * *

Someone creates a story.

Someone else believes it true.

Someone else builds a toll booth.

* * * *

You have been a time-traveler ever since you were born,

And will come to a complete halt when you die.

Such is the dream for all living things.

* * * *

How can there ever be a health care system that can keep up

With all the pain and suffering this manifest world sustains?

* * * *

The human species rapes and pillages the garden and each other,

And then gets all out of sorts and twisted when nature strikes back.

* * * *

Any given system tends to eventually grow too large, too unwieldy, too stale,

And is usurped by more adaptable systems unbound by the same constraints.

It is the nature of the manifest garden, the manifest universe, since its creation.

* * * *

The mystery is an endless source of knowledge and nonsense.

How rational is it to endlessly fill you head with so much of it?

* * * *

It is impossible for awareness to exist.

It is but timeless witness to a kaleidoscoping quantum dream,

Over which it has no control, no say, whatsoever.

* * * *

The indelible voraciousness of humanoid consciousness

Traps the genomic paradigm in an endless vortex

Of every conceivable narcissism, every achievable hedonism.

The old monkey’s-fist-in-the-coconut narrative played out forever again.

* * * *

From non-living matter to organic compounds to slimy blobs to crawlers to tree-swingers,

When the two-legged genome became the human beings we play today, is anybody’s guess.

* * * *

One of the first things to admit to yourself every morning

Is that you are absolutely bonkers, just like everyone else.

* * * *

Awareness is witness,

Imagination, the dreamer,

Quantum, the theater.

* * * *

Is there anything the willy-nilly mob savors more

Than setting their champions and idols on golden pedestals,

And then righteously wrenching them down at the slightest provocation.

* * * *

The tyranny that desire and fear, power and fame and fortune,

Have over the human mind is an unending theater of absurdity.

* * * *

You are what you have always been, will always be.

You have always been what you will always be, always are,

You will always be what you are, have always been.

* * * *

So hypnotized by our genomic patterning and cultural conditioning

That we cannot easily discern, easily transcend, anything but differences.

* * * *

The moment is timeless.

It harbors no beginnings, no endings, nor anything before or between or after.

Those are the dominions of imagination.

* * * *

To be as still as the awareness that perceives it all,

To be free of all desire and fear, all musings, all conclusions, all speculations,

All the weavings of the ever-kaleidoscoping senses,

That is the challenge.

* * * *

Some universes are very large

Some universes are very small.

All universes begin the same.

All universes end the same.

* * * *

Infinite or infinitesimal, what does the mystery care?

Spiritual or agnostic, what does the mystery care?

Clean or dirty, what does the mystery care?

Live or die, what does the mystery care?

Wealthy or poor, what does the mystery care?

Alive or dead, what does the mystery care?

Believer or atheist, what does the mystery care?

Subtle or blatant, what does the mystery care?

Kind or cruel, what does the mystery care?

Sane or insane, what does the mystery care?

Straight or gay, what does the mystery care?

Sage or fool, what does the mystery care?

Fast or slow, what does the mystery care?

Do or do not, what does the mystery care?

Long or short, what does the mystery care?

Succeed or fail, what does the mystery care?

Love or hate, what does the mystery care?

Still or moving, what does the mystery care?

Real or unreal, what does the mystery care?

Tit or tat, what does the mystery care?

For or against, what does the mystery care?

Up or down, what does the mystery care?

Around or through, what does the mystery care?

Clear or unclear, what does the mystery care?

Fat or thin, what does the mystery care?

Strong or weak, what does the mystery care?

Gratis or priceless, what does the mystery care?

Hard or soft, what does the mystery care?

Give or take, what does the mystery care?

To or from, what does the mystery care?

Wise or foolish, what does the mystery care?

Beautiful or ugly, what does the mystery care?

Big or small, what does the mystery care?

Known or unknown, what does the mystery care?

Fore or aft, what does the mystery care?

Awake or asleep, what does the mystery care?

Heavy or light, what does the mystery care?

Rich or poor, what does the mystery care?

Awake or asleep, what does the mystery care?

True or false, what does the mystery care?

Ecstasy or agony, what does the mystery care?

First or last, what does the mystery care?

Creative or destructive, what does the mystery care?

Full or empty, what does the mystery care?

Sweet or bitter, what does the mystery care?

Loud or quiet, what does the mystery care?

Straight or rounded, what does the mystery care?

Bright or dim, what does the mystery care?

Well or unwell, what does the mystery care?

Astute or obtuse, what does the mystery care?

Like or unlike, what does the mystery care?

Appealing or revolting, what does the mystery care?

Clear or opaque, what does the mystery care?

Thick or thin, what does the mystery care?

Brave or cowardly, what does the mystery care?

Sweet or sour, what does the mystery care?

Equal or lopsided, what does the mystery care?

King or slave, what does the mystery care?

Queen or whore, what does the mystery care?

Expansive or contractive, what does the mystery care?

Soft or harsh, what does the mystery care?

Young or old, what does the mystery care?

Male or female, what does the mystery care?

Honest or dishonest, what does the mystery care?

Wild or tame, what does the mystery care?

Early or late, what does the mystery care?

Pure or foul, what does the mystery care?

Cautious or reckless, what does the mystery care?

Hit or miss, what does the mystery care?

Lead or follow, what does the mystery care?

High or low, what does the mystery care?

Naive or cynical, what does the mystery care?

Truth or lie, what does the mystery care?

Deep or shallow, what does the mystery care?

Open or closed, what does the mystery care?

Rational or absurd, what does the mystery care?

Near or far, what does the mystery care?

Singular or dual, what does the mystery care?

In or out, what does the mystery care?

Free or imprisoned, what does the mystery care?

Yes or no, what does the mystery care?

Attached or detached, what does the mystery care?

Course or fine, what does the mystery care?

All or none, what does the mystery care?

Shiny or dull, what does the mystery care?

Smart or stupid, what does the mystery care?

Tall or short, what does the mystery care?

Forward or backward, what does the mystery care?

Before or after, what does the mystery care?

Selfless or selfish, what does the mystery care?

One or two, what does the mystery care?

Within or without, what does the mystery care?

Yay or nay, what does the mystery care?

Close or distant, what does the mystery care?

Normal or weird, what does the mystery care?

Wet or dry, what does the mystery care?

Hot or cold, what does the mystery care?

Constant or fickle, what does the mystery care?

Positive or negative, what does the mystery care?

Happy or sad, what does the mystery care?

Fair or unfair, what does the mystery care?

Over or under, what does the mystery care?

Similar or different, what does the mystery care?

Loose or tight, what does the mystery care?

Plus or minus, what does the mystery care?

Above or below, what does the mystery care?

Inside or outside, what does the mystery care?

Simple or complex, what does the mystery care?

Black or white, what does the mystery care?

Smooth or coarse, what does the mystery care?

Wide or narrow, what does the mystery care?

Gentle or cruel, what does the mystery care?

Humble or vain, what does the mystery care?

On or off, what does the mystery care?

Here or there, what does the mystery care?

Have or have not, what does the mystery care?

Sharp or dull, what does the mystery care?

Good or bad, what does the mystery care?

Right or wrong, what does the mystery care?

Everything or nothing, what does the mystery care?

Something or nothing, what does the mystery care?

White or black, what does the mystery care?

Light or dark, what does the mystery care?

This or that, what does the mystery care?

* * * *

A wave is coming toward you.

Dive into it or flow with it, or let it slam you.

Your choice.

* * * *

Who is the I, who cares or cares not?

What is the I, what cares or cares not?

Where is the I, where cares or cares not?

When is the I, when cares or cares not?

Why is the I, why cares or cares not?

How is the I, how cares or cares not?

* * * *

The only duality, the only dichotomy, with all its blacks and whites,

Nears and fars, larges and smalls, heres and theres, rights and wrongs, loves and hates,

Pluses and minuses, goods and evils, creations and destructions,

Is fabricated entirely of imagination.

* * * *

Plug five senses – sight, sound, smell, taste, touch –

Into a neurotransmitter capable of higher consciousness,

Capable of imagining a sense of self journeying time and space.

Add memory, larynx, opposable thumbs, two legs, lungs, cooling system,

And an inherent predisposition for tool-making and intricate social interactions.

Sprinkle into that biological stew a few dashes of desire and fear,

And, poof, a theater of unmitigated absurdity.

* * * *

Pain and suffering have a way of drawing one’s attention

More easily, more readily, than pleasure and joy.

Within each mind, both lock and key.

* * * *

Are you sure you really want to open that door?

Are you sure you really want to close that door?

* * * *

Hell is much more interesting, much more entertaining, much more pleasurable,

Than playing a harp at the feet of some deity in an ethereal paradise could ever be.

* * * *

If you want to call anything god, it would be awareness.

That which is kinetic or potential in all things in all times.

* * * *

Forgiveness, innocence, compassion, contentment, truth.

Be they the nectar of the gods, or merely hollow ideals?

* * * *

There is only awareness, immaculate and ingenuous, indivisible and absolute.

It is not Brahman, nor Tao, nor God, nor Allah, nor Jehovah, nor Zeus, nor Jesus, nor Buddha,

Nor any other graven image on high, born of consciousness, manmade or otherwise.

* * * *

Every creature plays a sensory universe.

Every creature taps into a wee slice of the quantum pie.

An itsy-bitsy sliver of the web of life sponsored by the electromagnetic spectrum.

Finite is finite, no matter the perspective.

* * * *

Be exceedingly wary of those who believe their own propaganda.

Regarding your own self-deceptions, your own fallacies,

Do your best to keep them to a minimum.

* * * *

There is nothing more.

Nothing to achieve.

Nothing to grasp.

Nothing to do.

Nothing to be.

All but a dream.

* * * *

We are all actors upon the stage.

Most believing their parts real and true.

Some more believable than others,

But all dreams, nonetheless.

* * * *

Only in pure awareness, free of all pasts, free of all futures,

All movement of the clouds of consciousness,

Are you free in the dream.

* * * *

So, that is who.

So, that is what.

So, that is where.

So, that is when.

So, that is why.

So, that is how.

* * * *

The articulation of anything

Is always too many steps from reality to bother even trying,

But still the mind gets lost in the attempt,

And calls it known.

* * * *

You do not need a computer to tell you which way the wind blows,

Or that it is hot or cold or humid or raining or snowing,

Or whatever else Mother Nature has in store.

Pay attention, you might live longer.

* * * *

Why bother pretending to know what can never be known?

Only delusion and greed assert anything beyond comprehension.

* * * *

Peering out through the sensory-mind

At a sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum,

Another day in the quantum mystery underway.

* * * *

You are the timeless moment between life and death,

Reverie and oblivion, known and unknown, dust and dust.

* * * *

If you are one that endeavors to think outside your box,

The box gradually grows bigger and bigger and bigger,

Until perchance one indivisible day, no edges remain.

* * * *

Only imagination desires and fears, likes and loves and hates, creates and preserves and destroys.

Only imagination wallows in pride, envy, gluttony, lust, wrath, greed, and sloth.

Only imagination determines all things separate and unequal.

Awareness is indifferent to all attributes.

* * * *

Awareness has no time to create or destroy,

Live or die, give or take, stay or go, happy or sad, love or hate, good or bad,

Right or wrong, smart or stupid, kind or cruel, rich or poor,

Sage or fool, black or white, this or that,

Duality is not its purview.

* * * *

That which can be perceived is not the timeless quantum.

That which can be named is not the nameless awareness.

* * * *

The me-myself-and-I is a delusion born of imagination.

It but a fictional player in the timeless eye of awareness.

* * * *

Better to be agnostic, better to allow all the befores, all the afters,

To melt back into the obscurity in which they have always resided.

* * * *

This moment leads to the next …

Leads to the next … leads to the next … leads to the next …

Leads to the next … leads to the next … leads to the next … leads to the next … leads to the next …

All the same moment, ever now.

* * * *

Amazing how much pain and suffering we all put up with in this sensory-mind inspired,

Three-dimensional, touchy-feely, extremely finite, extremely illusory, ever-kaleidoscoping,

Tangibly intangible, ethereal, electromagnetic spectrum quantum matrix of a dreamtime.

* * * *

Past modern times, current modern times, future modern times,

All transpire, all unfold, all kaleidoscope, in the same timeless now.

* * * *

Breathe in nothing, breath out nothing.

Repeat until the last unborn-undying moment

Consciousness is capable of sustaining.

* * * *

Reside in the timeless, effortless, indivisible serenity

Of the mystery you are, have ever been, will ever be.

* * * *

The cosmic garden is an indivisibly immaculate creation.

Imagination is the creator of original sin, the last sin,

And all the incalculable ones betwixt and between.

* * * *

The ephemeral moment offers haven to neither joy nor sorrow.

That is the dominion of the temporal mind imagining all things so.

* * * *

The three vanities – power, fame, fortune – are the ways and means of greed,

And greed, of pride, and pride of an indefatigable capacity for perpetual delusion.

* * * *

You are attached to anything tangible or intangible

That distracts you from the pure beingness of awareness,

Anything that draws you into the endless web of consciousness.

* * * *

What serenity to let go all the wanting, all the dread,

To inhale and exhale without concern, without doubt.

To see it all, and want it not, is the greatest freedom.

* * * *

Have you really ever seen anything but expressions of nature?

Have you really ever been anything but an expression of nature?

* * * *

Awareness is Awareness

Awareness is awareness.

What is to intellectualize.

What is to mythologize?

What is to dogmatize?

What is to illuminate?

What is to symbolize?

What is to systemize?

What is to idolatrize?

What is to translate?

What is to elucidate?

What is to canonize?

What is to ritualize?

What is to worship?

What is to convert?

What is to believe?

What is to imagine?

What is to venerate?

What is to persuade?

What is to interpret?

What is to formalize?

What is to evangelize?

What is to proselytize?

What is to propagandize?

What is to institutionalize?

What is to traditionalize?

What is to anything?

* * * *

There must be a purpose … It was meant to be …

What do those stale fallacies mean anyway?

Here you are, right here, right now.

What need for it to be more than that?

* * * *

So many victories, so many losses, so many delights, so many regrets.

So many friends, so many acquaintances, so many antagonists.

So many memories of this and that, and that and this.

The mind can be heaven, the mind can be hell,

And all the purgatories weaving the gray between.

* * * *

Consuming only what your metabolism requires is the challenge.

Carbs in, carbs out; far easier not to gain it than it is to lose it.

* * * *

Forever is a function of time,

And given that time does not actually exist,

Is therefore of questionable meaning.

A dubious assumption, indeed.

* * * *

What creature has not been the transcendent timeless serenity its entire existence?

Only the human species has fabricated a hellish enterprise of this magical garden world.

The gods and demons it has mythologized are but the vanity of imagination’s divisive nature.

* * * *

Attend the moment, in this right-here-right now.

That is the church, 24/7/365, for the rest of mind.

* * * *

Sometimes you look at things one way, sometimes another.

Irony and paradox take nothing, leave nothing, for granted.

* * * *

Helter-skeltering in the to and fro of the ebb and flow,

Until perchance you get back to where you started from.

* * * *

Sight and sound and taste and smell and touch,

Are but the Darwinian alchemy of the sensory mind,

Founded upon the emptiness of the quantum paradox.

* * * *

Nobody has ever taught you anything.

You may have gleaned something spoken or written,

But it was you who had to study it, learn it, practice it, until it stuck.

* * * *

Observer, seer, visionary, soothsayer, oracle, prophet,  prognosticator,

Diviner,  fortune teller, augur, crystal gazer, clairvoyant,

Psychic, medium, sibyl, forecaster, scientist.

All witnesses to the same mystery of their own persuasion.

* * * *

No doubt a fair-to-middling portion of the world is always churning away

On every ways and means to bring any Rome’s little game to its knees.

* * * *

That you are co-creator, co-creating, is not an ego thing.

It is an actuality thing, every moment of every existence.

* * * *

Damning the torpedoes, burning the bridges and boats, 

Going for broke, running the gauntlet, throwing caution to the wind,

Are generally extreme no-other-option tactics; only rarely safe-sound strategies.

* * * *

Truth is so much simpler, so much more austere, than all the multiple-syllable wordplay

That I and others of the same ilk so methodically, so legalistically use,

In our relatively pointless philosophical prattle.

* * * *

Many if not most are fully absorbed in their own existential adventure,

And make little time to deeply ponder the large and small of it in any meaningful way.

The solitary realm of the philosopher is very alonely ground.

And does it matter? Not one whit.

* * * *

The origin of any scientific experiment is chock-full of speculative possibilities.

The difference between it and superstition is every attempt to weed out all fallacy.


* * * *

This garden world is plenty capable of fashioning anything

The physics of the quantum mystery might allow

Without the aid of aliens or deities.

* * * *

From nothingness, awareness.

From awareness, quantum.

From quantum, chemistry.

From chemistry, biology.

From biology, medium.

From medium, consciousness,

From consciousness, imagination.

From imagination, Me and Myself and I.

From Me and Myself and I, illusion and delusion.

* * * *

We are born alone, we exist alone, we die alone.

Nothing to assert, nothing to emote, nothing to avoid.

* * * *

Every other moment of your relatively brief existence,

No matter the quantum tempest whooshing around and about,

Has always been very much steeped in the same awareness as this one.

* * * *

What is the point of anyone judging any another?

All sensory mind-bodies experience very different worlds, very different universes,

That cannot be changed in any way, any shape, any form.

Be and allow are the highest law.

* * * *

Any individual, any group, any organization, any nation state,

That does not revitalize its dynamic, is destined to decline and fall.

* * * *

When all is said and done, all is said and done.

When all is come and gone, all is come and gone.

Oblivion is the natural state of all befores, all afters.

* * * *

Awareness is the clarity, the simplicity, the transparency, the eternity,

In which the thunder and lightning of consciousness

Equally plays any and all dreams.


* * * *

The same awareness is in all life,

It is neither mine nor yours or theirs.

It is without attachment to any structure.

And equally plays any and all dreams.

* * * *

Nothing to get.

Nothing to be.

Nothing to do.

* * * *

There is just this one indelible, indivisible reality,

So easily forgotten in any given moment:

That all are you, and you are all.

Simple to utter; challenging to every instant realize.

How quickly the distractible mind can misplace any coherent insight

In the murky fog, the mucky bog, the gummy quagmire, of the everyday divisive grind.

* * * *

How is it all the folks who so convincingly proclaim their presence,

Are never able to offer verifiable scientific proof of all their deities and aliens,

Much less anything more than folklore about how they came to exist in the first place.

* * * *

The convenient thing about the wage slaves of this modern world

Is that the overseers do not have to house and clothe and feed them.

* * * *

All gods and other mythological creations are un-provable assumptions

Born of the inexplicable human need to rationalize their inexplicability.

* * * *

Regarding the infinity of the mystery into which we have been cast,

No one can ever know more than the speculations of imagination allow.

* * * *

Who is the universe you cannot see?

What is the universe you cannot see?

Where is the universe you cannot see?

When is the universe you cannot see?

Why is the universe you cannot see?

How is the universe you cannot see?

* * * *

Who is the universe you cannot hear?

What is the universe you cannot hear?

Where is the universe you cannot hear?

When is the universe you cannot hear?

Why is the universe you cannot hear?

How is the universe you cannot hear?

* * * *

Who is the universe you cannot taste?

What is the universe you cannot taste?

Where is the universe you cannot taste?

When is the universe you cannot taste?

Why is the universe you cannot taste?

How is the universe you cannot taste?

* * * *

Who is the universe you cannot smell?

What is the universe you cannot smell?

Where is the universe you cannot smell?

When is the universe you cannot smell?

Why is the universe you cannot smell?

How is the universe you cannot smell?

* * * *

Who is the universe you cannot touch?

What is the universe you cannot touch?

Where is the universe you cannot touch?

When is the universe you cannot touch?

Why is the universe you cannot touch?

How is the universe you cannot touch?

* * * *

Who is the universe you cannot know?

What is the universe you cannot know?

Where is the universe you cannot know?

When is the universe you cannot know?

Why is the universe you cannot know?

How is the universe you cannot know?

* * * *

Who is the universe you cannot see?

Who is the universe you cannot hear?

Who is the universe you cannot taste?

Who is the universe you cannot smell?

Who is the universe you cannot touch?

Who is the universe you cannot know?

* * * *

What is the universe you cannot see?

What is the universe you cannot hear?

What is the universe you cannot taste?

What is the universe you cannot smell?

What is the universe you cannot touch?

What is the universe you cannot know?

* * * *

Where is the universe you cannot see?

Where is the universe you cannot hear?

Where is the universe you cannot taste?

Where is the universe you cannot smell?

Where is the universe you cannot touch?

Where is the universe you cannot know?

* * * *

When is the universe you cannot see?

When is the universe you cannot hear?

When is the universe you cannot taste?

When is the universe you cannot smell?

When is the universe you cannot touch?

When is the universe you cannot know?

* * * *

Why is the universe you cannot see?

Why is the universe you cannot hear?

Why is the universe you cannot taste?

Why is the universe you cannot smell?

Why is the universe you cannot touch?

Why is the universe you cannot know?

* * * *

How is the universe you cannot see?

How is the universe you cannot hear?

How is the universe you cannot taste?

How is the universe you cannot smell?

How is the universe you cannot touch?

How is the universe you cannot know?

* * * *

It is the same today,

As it was yesterday,

As it will be tomorrow.

* * * *

No matter the time, no matter the space,

No matter the form, no matter the formless,

It is all you, and you alone, indivisible, eternal.

* * * *

In the Bhagavad Gita, in Lord Krishna’s discourse with the warrior, Arjuna,

He states the manifest aspect consists of eight material energies:

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect, and ego.

And that the higher nature is the life force

That permeates all things and sustains the Cosmos.

This two-fold nature is the womb of all beings and things.

It is the source of all Creation, and that into which it dissolves.

That there is nothing higher than the Self that clearly discerns this,

That “All That Is” hangs upon this Self like “pearls threaded on string.”

And that those few who absolutely, without doubt, see this, become That I Am.

* * * *

There has never been even one instant in all eternity

When you are not the unborn-undying changeless nature.

All perceptions, all dichotomies, are but imaginary constructs.

* * * *

There has never been even one instant when you are not the unborn indivisible nature.

All perceptions, all causes, all effects, all dichotomies, are but imaginary constructions.

* * * *

No matter the dice-and-slice of the quantum electromagnetic spectrum being occupied, 

No matter the manifestation, no matter the sensory theater,

No matter the dimension,

No matter any dichotomy whatsoever, 

The awareness peering out, the mystery peering out, is ever the same.

* * * *

Imagine yourself back to the moment you were conceived,

And re-examine, re-witness, from that timeless, spaceless beginning,

The womb, the world, the cosmos, you have in time traveled, in time created.

* * * *

Truth is not something that can be taught, nor can it be learned.

It is about fully attending the moment; not the triviality of memory.

* * * *

The great what is, is so prior to and well beyond any mind-made human concoction,

That vanity can never achieve anything more than all but meaningless confabulation.

* * * *

Observing, contemplating, the imaginary expanses of the mind’s kaleidoscoping theater,

All seen, all heard, all tasted, all smelled, all touched, all anything,

Is the nothingness of quantum play.

* * * *

Double entendre.

More double entendre.

Even more double entendre.

* * * *


More surrender.

Even more surrender.

* * * *

Herd shit.

More herd shit.

Even more herd shit.

* * * *


More dabbling.

Even more dabbling.

* * * *


More whatthe#$*!

Even more whatthe#$*!

* * * *

Research needed.

More research needed.

Even more research needed.

* * * *


More squawking.

Even more squawking.

* * * *


More charades.

Even more charades.

* * * *

Habitual thinking.

More habitual thinking.

Even more habitual thinking.

* * * *


More games.

Even more games.

* * * *


More surrender.

Even more surrender.

* * * *


More go.

Even more go.

* * * *


More hubris.

Even more hubris.

* * * *


More stop.

Even more stop.

* * * *


More yield.

Even more yield.

* * * *

Social distancing.

More social distancing.

Even more social distancing.

* * * *


More breeding.

Even more breeding.

* * * *


More aimlessness.

Even more aimlessness.

* * * *


More diminishment.

Even more diminishment.

* * * *

Bleak ends.

More bleak ends.

Even more bleak ends.

* * * *


More regurgitation.

Even more regurgitation.

* * * *

Grand theater.

More grand theater.

Even more grand theater.

* * * *

Embracing oblivion.

More embracing oblivion.

Even more embracing oblivion.

* * * *


More chatter.

Even more chatter.

* * * *


More lists.

Even more lists.

* * * *


More roshambo.

Even more roshambo.

* * * *


More finicky.

Even more finicky.

* * * *

Names and faces.

More names and faces.

Even more names and faces.

* * * *

Myths and legends.

More myths and legends.

Even more myths and legends.

* * * *


More progress.

Even more progress.

* * * *


More bottom-feeders.

Even more bottom-feeders.

* * * *


More suffering.

Even more suffering.

* * * *


More moronic.

Even more moronic.

* * * *

Natural selection.

More natural selection.

Even more natural selection.

* * * *

Unnatural selection.

More unnatural selection.

Even more unnatural selection.

* * * *


More capitulation.

Even more capitulation.

* * * *

Inner dialogue.

More inner dialogue.

Even more inner dialogue.

* * * *


More plagiarization.

Even more plagiarization.

* * * *


More duplication.

Even more duplication.

* * * *


More observation.

Even more observation.

* * * *

Bitter brew.

More bitter brew.

Even more bitter brew.

* * * *


More mumbo-jumbo.

Even more mumbo-jumbo.

* * * *

Foul purpose.

More foul purpose.

Even more foul purpose.

* * * *


More pandora.

Even more pandora.

* * * *


More storytelling.

Even more storytelling.

* * * *

Human concoction.

More human concoction.

Even more human concoction.

* * * *

Conceptual fray.

More conceptual fray.

Even more conceptual fray.

* * * *


More god-eat-god.

Even more god-eat-god.

* * * *

Nothing less.

More nothing less.

Even more nothing less.

* * * *

Nothing more.

More nothing more.

Even more nothing more.

* * * *

Nothing but.

Morenothing but.

Even more nothing but.

* * * *


More splinters.

Even more splinters.

* * * *

Selfie madness.

More selfie madness.

Even more selfie madness.

* * * *


More watching.

Even more watching.

* * * *


More hysteria.

Even more hysteria.

* * * *


More perspectives.

Even more perspectives.

* * * *

Holy shit.

More holy shit.

Even more holy shit.

* * * *

Trial and error.

More trial and error.

Even more trial and error.

* * * *

Inner narration.

More inner narration.

Even more inner narration.

* * * *

Genomic sequencing.

More genomic sequencing.

Even more genomic sequencing.

* * * *

Human poppycock.

More human poppycock.

Even more human poppycock.

* * * *


More subtlety.

Even more subtlety.

* * * *


More titles.

Even more titles.

* * * *


More travesty.

Even more travesty.

* * * *


More irrationality.

Even more irrationality.

* * * *


More banality.

Even more banality.

* * * *


More naps.

Even more naps.

* * * *


More processing.

Even more processing.

* * * *


More dittyfesting.

Even more dittyfesting.

* * * *


More mirages.

Even more mirages.

* * * *


\more dreamtime.

Even more dreamtime.

* * * *


More discord.

Even more discord.

* * * *


More dissipation.

Even more dissipation.

* * * *


More distrust.

Even more distrust.

* * * *


More disgust.

Even more disgust.

* * * *


More development.

Even more development.

* * * *


More distraction.

Even more distraction.

* * * *


More terror.

Even more terror.

* * * *


More gossip.

Even more gossip.

* * * *


More nagging.

Even more nagging.

* * * *

Already forgotten.

More already forgotten.

Even more already forgotten.

* * * *


More torture.

Even more torture.

* * * *

Just being.

More just being.

Even more just being.

* * * *


More doofus.

Even more doofus.

* * * *

Stepping back.

More stepping back.

Even more stepping back.

* * * *

Sweet surrender.

More sweet surrender.

Even more sweet surrender.

* * * *


More celebration.

Even more celebration.

* * * *


More boogaloo.

Even more boogaloo.

* * * *


More nostalgia.

Even more nostalgia.

* * * *

Empty chatter.

More empty chatter.

Even more empty chatter.

* * * *


More phases.

Even more phases.

* * * *


More hurt.

Even more hurt.

* * * *


More zip.

Even more zip.

* * * *

Moving on.

More moving on.

Even more moving on.

* * * *


More pollyanna.

Even more pollyanna.

* * * *

Hidden treasure.

More hidden treasure.

Even more hidden treasure.

* * * *

Yada yada.

More yada yada.

Even more yada yada.

* * * *


More intensity.

Even more intensity.

* * * *


More revelations.

\even more revelations.

* * * *


More preening.

Even more preening.

* * * *


More chaff.

Even more chaff.

* * * *

Hooey balooey.

More hooey balooey.

Even more hooey balooey.

* * * *

Tales of woe.

More tales of woe.

Even more tales of woe.

* * * *

Th-th-th-that's all folks.

More th-th-th-that's all folks.

Even more th-th-th-that's all folks.