

The moment cannot be any more or less than it is and is not.

* * * *

No word can ever touch much less capture the reality of any given moment.

* * * *

Sometimes, if not most times, simple solutions are the best.

* * * *

The human paradigm is going down; how fast or slow is the only question.

* * * *

Religion is human vanity given over to absurd quibbling in much-ado-over-nothing fashion.

* * * *

You cannot hold on to anything; all attempts are futile.

* * * *

Why always make so many things into problems?

* * * *

Long live Peter Pan.

* * * *

Stormy mind versus placid mind, who decides?

* * * *

What’s your poison?

* * * *

To journey where these thoughts point requires a doubt few can long sustain.

* * * *

In the realm of more, nothing is not allowed.

* * * *

You want to travel across the universe? Try reaching the inside of your skull.

* * * *

Bits and pieces of happenstance do for a life make.

* * * *

Imagination ever takes flight, ever creating its imaginary cosmos.

* * * *

The best-laid plans are steeped in fluidity.

* * * *

What is the human paradigm but a collusion of the human mind.

* * * *

If he was a serial killer, he got away with it.

* * * *

Who knows, this may be the last time you do that.

* * * *

How is it so many relatively intelligent, rational people still believe in magical thinking?

* * * *

There is no more; this is all there is.

* * * *

Awareness is all, and timelessly awaits your presence.

* * * *

The challenge is keeping that game face on when you are alone in the dark.

* * * *

Great foolery does not make for easy living.

* * * *

Peter Pan does not do old.

* * * *

How on earth can that ever be true?

* * * *

Try not to take yourself or your Self so seriously.

* * * *

Words are mightier than swords and guns as long as they remain in scabbards and holsters.

* * * *

Feeding daisies is as happy an ending as you are going to get.

* * * *

So many deities come and gone.

* * * *

Your sleeping dream, your waking dream, what difference, really?

* * * *

If pigs and cows began dressing up and wearing jewelry and makeup, you would laugh, right?

* * * *

Your cosmos is an endless parade of forms and the voids between; try to remember they are all you.

* * * *

Bemoaning any loss does not change the fact that it is gone, and you must carry on.

* * * *

Look at a rock, and see both it and you are ever-changing, yet ever the same.

* * * *

The Golden Rule is all you need; everything else is redundant.

​* * * *

An inevitable consequence born of greed and hubris.

​* * * *

Existence is a means, not an end.

* * * *

There are many doors, but only one exit, out of this theater.

* * * *

Nature timelessly creates and destroys without artifice or theatrics or agenda.

* * * *

The same old exception that again and again proves the irony-paradox rule true.

​​* * * *

Look at the vast emptiness within, and convince me how you are ever going to fill it.

​* * * *

Only the mind is quantum enough to know.

* * * *

The life force is not about you; you are but an imaginary story in your own mind.

* * * *

You might be able to waste time if it existed.

* * * *

Pleasure is the absence of pain.

* * * *

Happiness is the absence of sorrow.

* * * *

Whether anything is complicated or simple depends how you view it.

* * * *

Does time create consciousness, or consciousness, time? Is one without the other?

* * * *

Wisdom is the absence of delusion.

* * * *

Do you wear your game face even when there is no one there to watch?

* * * *

True Self is a still mind.

* * * *

Serenity is the absence of dread.

* * * *

How can enough ever be enough until it is enough?

* * * *

Why rush into the future? It will bear its fruit – bitter or sweet – soon enough.

* * * *

And if you have not got it right, what matter?

* * * *

What makes Siddhartha’s vanity any superior to Adolf’s?

* * * *

Odds are you walk a many-pebbled path.

* * * *

Not what you expected.

* * * *

All actors must one day, one way or another, exit the given stage; what will yours be?

* * * *

Your chief raison d'etre is first and foremost to entertain your Self in whatever fashion most suits you.

* * * *

The Ivory Tower has many calibers.

* * * *

Only history knows.

* * * *

Religion is indeed the opiate of the masses.

* * * *

So sayeth vanity.

* * * *

But for vain reason, what really matters?

* * * *

Heaven is the absence of pain and remorse and guilt.

* * * *

How many long endure those who are not agreeable?

* * * *

When you think about it, the corporal body is really more than little disgusting.

* * * *

Despite all the doors, there is only one exit.

* * * *

How did the mind-boggling become so mundane?

* * * *

Speaking truth to vanity, what’s the point?

* * * *

Is anything carved in stone really all that different than the same in sand?

* * * *

Despite all sensory enticements to the contrary, you have always been very much alone.

* * * *

If it ain't there, it ain't there; so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

* * * *

Knowledge is a function of time, and time does not exist, ergo …

* * * *

Ignorance finds its own bliss.

* * * *

Imagination is the weaver of continuity, but where is continuity in the eternal moment?

* * * *

Tyranny hath no bounds.

* * * *

Wander existence as if you know nothing.

* * * *

The life that you imagine is but a subjective dream, as real as any cloud.

* * * *

So many spins to suffering.

* * * *

What point clinging to what is no longer here now?

* * * *

The joy of suffering is rarely given its due.

* * * *

Truth is not at all complicated; only the maze of mind makes it seem so.

* * * *

As if it is important.

* * * *

We are all actors, some more talented than others.

* * * *

Like it never happened.

* * * *

What artists of all ilks do for their passion.

* * * *

Yet another of your oh so many strange moments.

* * * *

How are you really any different than any cloud?

* * * *

Doubt what the world spins, not your Self.

* * * *

Where is that loving, benevolent god when you need him?

* * * *

Going through the motions.

* * * *

Now is where all afflictions of mind must pass.

* * * *

The double entendre is always a joy, especially if it goes triple or beyond.

* * * *

To get the world out of your head, simply put it down and forget it for as long as you are able.

* * * *

Taking things for granted is rarely a good idea.

* * * *

Nobody is you.

* * * *

Ceaseless what absurdities groupthink can contrive.

* * * *

The no-mind is the mind that has given itself over to the pure awareness of its Self.

* * * *

How far will most people care about anyone else more than themselves?

* * * *

The world will do just fine without you.

* * * *

Awareness is the only answer there is, and it is not going to give any.

* * * *

The trouble with those seeking power is that it is generally at the expense of others.

* * * *

Yet another dead poet.

* * * *

The absurdities of groupthink are unending.

* * * *

One wonders how many times has God blown out his brains watching the human absurdity.

* * * *

Will rushing to the final destination really get you there any faster?

* * * *

Who-what-where-when-why-how is the I that ​declares, “​I Am. I Am Not”?

* * * *
Every galaxy, every star, every planet, every rock, every pebble, ever grain of sand, all equally you.

* * * *
Personal power does not require the sanction of any other.

* * * *

​Only engineers would think of something that stupid.

* * * *​

Who-what-where-when-why-how is the I that asks, “Did I? Did I not?”?

* * * *

In pure awareness, all dissolves into nothingness; the world, the universe, the mind, cease to exist.

* * * *

It is not ultimately real, yet we must pretend it so.

* * * *

Tragedy befalls all sooner or later; often many times.

* * * *

No good deed goes unpunished.

* * * *

Do I smell cookies?

* * * *

Sure smells like cookies.

* * * *

We are all cousins of the same puddle.

* * * *

Grasp the difference between the awareness of awareness, and the idealization of awareness.

* * * *

How many live do not have unhappy endings?

* * * *

The politics of corruption is the knack for selling one’s soul to ​any and all bidders.​

* * * *

Live timeless.

* * * *

Rationality and absurdity are diametric players in the theater of consciousness.

* * * *

Died again today.

* * * *

The knack for standing alone and seeing clearly for yourself is an all too rare feat.

* * * *

Like offering a glass of water to a condemned man.

* * * *

All is forgotten sooner or later.

* * * *

There is no forever, only nowever.

* * * *

The mob has spoken.

* * * *

Yet another layer of absurdity whipping at what little sanity remains.

* * * *

It has to end sometime; whether today or tomorrow is but happenstance.

* * * *

There is no Great Other.

* * * *

Critical thinking is not a skillset for which parrots have much inclination.

* * * *

Rumored to be true.

* * * *

Everything is over before you know it; only the perceptions of imagination remain.

* * * *

Fire away.

* * * *

Yet another distracting mind filler.

* * * *

How much good does it really do having others feel sorry for you?

* * * *

So many projects you never got to.

* * * *

Absurdity abounds.

* * * *

Is that so?

* * * *

Who does not tilt at windmills on one occasion or another?

* * * *

Are you, really?

* * * *

Guilty as charged.

* * * *

Hope dashed on the rocks yet again.

* * * *

Measuring the indivisible is a human pastime.

* * * *

Try as it might, the mind cannot contain eternity; the no-mind is naught but.

* * * *

That was a pretty good revelation, if only you could remember it.

* * * *

You never know what you have got until it is gone.

* * * *

Truth is stranger than fiction.

* * * *

It took you how long to figure that out?

* * * *

Wallowing in self-pity offers little answer.

* * * *

Imagination cavorts about the stage, but quantum physics runs the theater.

* * * *

The first and last delusion is believing you exist.

* * * *

Anonymity is its own reward.

* * * *

Is anything holy, is anything sacred, is anything hallowed, really?

* * * *

There is more to you than meets the eye.

* * * *

Lessons in absurdity.

* * * *

The buffet of existence has its consequences.

* * * *

Life is just as much about choosing what not to do as it is choosing what to do.

* * * *

Nobody can defy gravity for long.

* * * *

The truthful eye can be cloaked by every artifice known to mind.

* * * *

Hubris only gets you as far as its wind blows.

* * * *

Sally on, Brave Knight.

* * * *

Discipline is always challenging.​

* * * *

Consciousness is its own trip.

* * * *

Leaders cannot lead people who will not follow.

* * * *

Another lesson to be forgotten.

* * * *

Devil’s spawn, Devil’s pawn.

* * * *

Get out while the gettin’s good.

* * * *

It’s a mind-scarred world.

* * * *

Absurd beyond all notions of absurdity.

* * * *

Feeding that brain all the air you can manage makes for a happier mind.

* * * *

The mind wanders so.

​* * * *

Infinity hath no bounds.

* * * *

An engaged mind soars in its own thermal.

* * * *

The you that you truly are does not exist; never has, never will.

* * * *

So many remarkable moments, so many torturous moments.

* * * *

That special place in hell.

* * * *

The underlying form, the underlying formless.

* * * *

No boubt adout it.

* * * *

Life is a foggy affair, and only maybe becomes clearer looking back.

* * * *

The agony and ecstasy of word, symbols, images, and such, are many and not far between.

* * * *

How can the now be anything but simultaneous.

* * * *

No history has ever existed.

* * * *

So it goes, so it went.

* * * *

You are a flicker in the Universal Mind.

* * * *

Because they can.

* * * *

It so does not matter.

* * * *

Oh, all the things you never used to think about.

* * * *

So many unfinished projects.

* * * *

Adrift in the time of mind.

* * * *

You play out what your genetic wiring allows.

* * * *

The placebo effect fools us all.

* * * *

Win some, lose some, win more later.

* * * *

It is a mystery; leave it at that.

* * * *

Your little niche.

* * * *

Vulnerability requires the cessation of self-imagery.

* * * *

How quickly the newness fades.

* * * *

The vanity the monkey mind considers so real and dear is not to any other creature.

* * * *


* * * *

It is not a question.

* * * *

Not necessarily in that order.

* * * *

Anonymity is the first line of defense.

* * * *

Just another carnival ride.

* * * *

All things human are functions of vanity.

* * * *

Same old yada yada.

* * * *

When it comes to the mystery, there is no knowing; only the speculation we call knowing.

* * * *

The joys of aging are few and less often.

* * * *

What is the point of contemplation and meditation, of philosophy, but to remove all doubt.

* * * *

You mean you have not thought or said or done that countless times before?

* * * *

The agony and ecstasy of the ebb and flow.

* * * *

There is neither beginning nor ending to the creation-destruction dynamic.

* * * *

You are the mystery that requires no name.

* * * *

There are always consequences; accepting things as they are is the road to inner peace.

* * * *

Not a pretty future for those who have much time left.

* * * *

Only the dead have seen an end to bother.

* * * *

If is a mighty big word.

* * * *

Every moment, a new birth, a new death.

* * * *

If you have been raised in nature, how can anything really touch you?

* * * *

How simple life can be if you embrace the mundane.

* * * *

A mind that is engaged cannot be bored or unhappy.

* * * *

Strategies and tactics are shaped by trial and error.

* * * *

You are Self, absorbed; Self, contained.

* * * *
What are goals and plans but rabbit holes in your dream?

* * * *

One must not fear appearing foolish if one is to discern the greatest and the least are one in the same.

* * * *

What is vanity but the bravado of consciousness.

* * * *

How long is forever?

* * * *

You must live at least a little before you philosophize about it.

* * * *

The timeline is short, and shorter by the day.

* * * *

Neither up nor down, a neutral stance is a balanced, healthy quality of mind.

* * * *

Well played.

* * * *

Accepting any given “The Way It Is,” is life’s greatest challenge.

* * * *

Purpose and meaning are nothing more than concoctions of imagination.

* * * *

Life, take it and leave it.

* * * *

There is no soul; just the same timeless awareness in all things.

* * * *

What is any life but frozen moments of perception.

* * * *

Are all creations born of consciousness inherently flawed?

* * * *

Battling over this opinion or that is such preposterous human fare.

* * * *

Gauging what others think of you comes round to what you think of your imaginary self.

* * * *

All the rationality in the world cannot reverse the inertia of its absurdity and horror.

* * * *

All the memories, all the habits, all the stuff, are the albatross of time.

* * * *

In truth, you have been dying all your life.

* * * *

Human history is about individuals and tribes feeding upon one another.

* * * *

The conditioned mind cannot hear outside its monotonous drone.

* * * *

We are all compost for the dreams to come.

* * * *

Death takes it all away.

* * * *

In the time of consequences, we all pay our pound of flesh.

* * * *

Self-pity is a debilitating taskmaster.

* * * *

Be happy that you are not a machine or computer or some other bother.

* * * *

No matter how a river flows, it is always traveling the path of least resistance.

* * * *

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

* * * *

Despite all efforts and delusions to the contrary, Mother Nature is still in charge.

* * * *

Few of us can see past our own reflection.

* * * *

The awareness does not care one way or another.

* * * *

It is tough being born.

* * * *

Nothing really matters but that we think it so.

* * * *

Is polite society anything more than nasty people pretending they are not?

* * * *

Judge, and ye shall be judged, by yourself.

* * * *

That final step off the plank: who and what and where and when and why and how will it be?

* * * *

Define truth and you have missed its moment.

* * * *

Ignorance and malice have a way of undoing even the best of intentions.

* * * *

Awareness is the only constant in the ever-changing quantum dream.

* * * *

Greed is the cradle of all corruption.

* * * *

The hidden treasure is the awareness of this very eternal moment.

* * * *

If you give others the opportunity to fleece you, how many will not?

* * * *

So many solutions to problems that were never real in the first place.

* * * *

Memory is the perception that this or that happened, but did it, really?

* * * *

The record of perception plays over and over and over, pretending, ever pretending, its reality true.

* * * *

As easy as it is, the habit of thinking is not easily undone.

* * * *

Certain minds, bodies, faces, characters, have an easier time of it than others.

* * * *

Politicians play stupid tit-for-tat games; leaders make pragmatic decisions.

* * * *

The Great Game creates winners and losers, but what are you if you stop playing?

* * * *

Doubt that is quite what Jesus had in mind.

* * * *

You die in the same moment you live.

* * * *

The eternal moment knows neither after nor before.

* * * *

Quantum cannot be without awareness, and awareness cannot see without quantum.

* * * *

The fallacy of myths and legends are never-ending.

* * * *

Flow your tide.

* * * *

No mind is heaven on earth.

* * * *

Happiness is not knowing any better.

* * * *

Connect the dots as rationally and accurately as possible; avoid fallacious intrigue.

* * * *

Good place, bad place, what place?

* * * *

Is there anything wrought of human thinking that is not yet another foray of vanity?

* * * *

Sometimes you remember, sometimes you forget, so it goes.

* * * *

How can you embrace nothing?

* * * *

A penchant for not caring is a handy state of mind.

* * * *

What universe to all the other critters of the universe see?

* * * *

Another day wandering the relativity of consciousness.

* * * *

So vain as to believe we are the only ones; so vain as to believe we are not the only ones.

* * * *

Fantasy is often more enjoyable than reality.

* * * *

And why would most if not all of what you believe matters, matter to anyone but you?

* * * *

There is only one you, cloaked in a near-infinity of guises.

* * * *

All is vanity, vanity is all.

* * * *

What is existence but a menagerie of busy-ness.

* * * *

Why would other dimensions be anything more than alternative amusement parks?

* * * *

Who’s to say?

* * * *

Memory is the wellspring of consciousness as dictated by the frame of reference.

* * * *

All beliefs are declarations of delusion, even the belief in nothing.

* * * *

Who says?

* * * *

What meaning and purpose can be attached to that which is timeless.

* * * *

Is there any way not to suffer if you are not content with the austerity of simply breathing?

* * * *

To play in time or eternity, that is the question.

* * * *

If it is peace you seek, you will find it in every breath, in every step.

* * * *

And that truth died, too.

* * * *

The mystery creates the brain, and the brain, the mystery.

* * * *

And that lie died, too.

* * * *

The hell that is rumored to be success

.* * * *

Life is rolling through one set after another.

* * * *

Being a human being is not all it is cracked up to be.

* * * *

What pain today?

* * * *

Life is an intoxicating dream, an intoxicating illusion.

* * * *

What is called living is but an imaginary state of mind.

* * * *

It is all pretend.

* * * *

As is true with all things Yodaesque: Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.

* * * *

All principles are subject to the whims of vanity.

* * * *

Obligation to history? Why?

* * * *

Is there any form of government or economic system that does not serve one oligarchy or another?

* * * *

Peace at last.

* * * *

All the more reason just to breathe.

* * * *

Imagination creates heavens and hells, and everything between.

* * * *

One man’s sentiment is another’s yard sale.

* * * *

Is imagination real? Only to minds lost to delusion.

* * * *

The obvious is obvious to the eyes that see and ears that hear.

* * * *

What human history proves again and again is how gullible human beings can be.

* * * *

The good news is that it is all you, and there is nothing at all you need be or do or prove.

* * * *

It is only the vanity of greed that makes gold and jewels more valuable than sand and clay.

* * * *

Everything you do belongs to a world that you did not create.

* * * *

What effort we put into all our absurdities.

* * * *

So many possibilities, and only one lifetime.

* * * *
The reality is that we are all very much alone in our little universe.

* * * *

Corruption is a human norm.

* * * *

What is the point of yet again discovering that which has been discovered times beyond counting?

* * * *

All translations fall short.

* * * *

So much to say for so little result.

* * * *

History does not care what you did or for how long.

* * * *

Say it well, write it well.

* * * *

Anything only matters if you let it.

* * * *

To believe one fable is to believe them all; believe none, and peace is the bargain.

* * * *

Nuances that matter not.

* * * *

Greed sows many outcomes, many if not most not pretty.

* * * *

The things we endure for the taste of vanity.

* * * *

We all have very different eyes and ears in our very different worlds.

* * * *

Back to Kansas.

* * * *

To be content in the emptiness, that is nirvana.

* * * *

Was there really ever anything you needed to do?

* * * *

History is a human concoction.

* * * *

All religion preys upon the gullibility of the masses.

* * * *

A truthsayer, except when s/he is lying.

* * * *

Let someone else come up with that decision.

* * * *

Regarding truth, what you want it to be, hope it to be, believe it to be, means diddly-squat.

* * * *

The consequences of bad breathing are many.

* * * *

It is only cheating if you are playing the same game.

* * * *

It is impossible for the mind to sustain two or more simultaneous thoughts.

* * * *

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest in the land?

* * * *

It is only the rare few who have the wit and courage to stand alone and discern the mystery clearly.

* * * *

Trying to alter a true believer’s catechism, why bother?

* * * *

Just another thing to be responsible for.

* * * *

There is ultimately no difference between you and anything.

* * * *

Without the willingness to share power, to compromise, no democracy can long stand.

* * * *

Make it count, or not, no difference, really.

* * * *

Why should you feel any obligation to live out a tortured existence? Or a blissful one, for that matter?

* * * *

How to get back to what you as an infant so naturally were, is the journey.

* * * *

You must teach your Self to let go the imaginary mind.

* * * *

It is not yoga if you are still doing it.

* * * *

Just because you do not want to hear something does not mean it is wrong.

* * * *

Entitlement, entitlement, entitlement.

* * * *

There you go again, imagining you exist.

* * * *

Forever is a state of time that does not exist.

* * * *

Thinking is an addictive habit to the juggernaut of imagination.

* * * *

It is imagination that pretends to exist, not you.

* * * *

Truth is not an opinion.

* * * *

You are the mystery come unto life.

* * * *

Life is but vague perceptions stored on neuron trails.

* * * *

You are the mystery come unto awareness.

* * * *

A smattering will do.

* * * *

You are the mystery come unto consciousness.

* * * *

You are the mystery come unto imagination.

* * * *

Better to suffer injustice than to do it.

* * * *

Nothing linear about it but for an imaginary state of mind.

* * * *

Take the pain.

* * * *

You are on your own.

* * * *

Do you want the truth? Or the Pollyanna version?

* * * *

What is romantic love but emotional propaganda.

* * * *

Few given lives can be easily summarized; irony and paradox do not bundle well.

* * * *

Reality is of no importance but to imagination.

* * * *

If you must believe in something, believe in nothing.

* * * *

To approach the moment with a fresh mind is too easy to imagine.

* * * *

So many limitations to be endured.

* * * *

Imagination is ever bent on clinging to its creation.

* * * *

That’s the rumor.

* * * *

Yet another vain god.

* * * *

Bad news takes no holidays.

* * * *

Who is anyone’s father? Who is anyone’s mother?

* * * *

Moving on, always moving on.

* * * *

Challenging not to allow life distort the spirit.

* * * *

You are lost as long as you believe any story real, especially your own.

* * * *

The seed is dead; long live the seed.

* * * *

There you go, talking to your Self again.

* * * *

Applause is such an empty sound.

* * * *

Death, the constant companion.

* * * *

Another day of wandering the halls of irony and paradox.

* * * *

What to do when you are out of reasons; what to do when all your hungers are empty?

* * * *

Taking the world as it is, is a far simpler path than the wish-it-were-or-it-ought-to-be tracks.

* * * *

The force of habit guides the everyday for all.

* * * *

Life is a collage of undone perceptions.

* * * *

Deny it as some might, everything is always on the table.

* * * *

Just because someone does not want to hear the truth does not make it any less true.

* * * *

The eye of god is the awareness, the timeless stillness, that is neither within nor without.

* * * *

Male and female are but pawns in the great game of natural selection.

* * * *

What is this quantum enterprise but a maze of infinite dreams.

* * * *

Take away the assumptions, and what have you got?

* * * *

Face the truth; de-face the truth.

* * * *

History is the giver and taker of life and death, and all entitlements between.

* * * *

Abide in the unknown, unknowing all you know.

* * * *

What say ye?

* * * *

How is it a sack of gold is given more weight than sand?

* * * *

Such is the fate drawn.

* * * *

What makes your universe any more real than a caterpillar’s?

* * * *

What the f*** for!?

* * * *

There is something to be said for not saying too much.

* * * *

Indeed, something will always happen in the labyrinth of mind.

* * * *

Now is as good a time as any to end it.

* * * *

What is it you truly own? What is it that you truly have more than temporary temporal use?

* * * *

Legal is not getting caught.

* * * *

Half-ass measures get half-ass results.

* * * *

How can you forget everything but by giving over to the awareness of the one and only moment.

* * * *

Madness hath wrought it own design.

* * * *

Oblique transparency is the transparency that is not.

* * * *

Where is the point of reference without a body?

* * * *

Yet another dream born of quantum dust.

* * * *

What is death but the end of an imaginary state; what is birth but its beginning.

* * * *

Yet another day of pain and suffering underway.

* * * *

Such is the nature of the dream that the awareness of now passes into the perception of then.

* * * *

You might pick up some shiny bauble today, but will it have the same sheen tomorrow?

* * * *

Everyone has their own cross to bear; you might aid another, but your own needs its time.

* * * *

There is nothing to figure out, there is nothing to do, there is nothing to be.

* * * *

What passion, what thought, of any kind, can ever touch the ever-present moment?

* * * *

Attention belongs to the moment.

* * * *

Of things that matter, there are many; of things that do not, there are far, far more.

* * * *

It is one thing to talk about being the way, the truth, the life; quite another to be it.

* * * *

It was all a hoax, a dream, an illusion, from moment one.

* * * *

Pretty strange thing being alive.

* * * *

Poor you.

* * * *

Finally, a good rest.

* * * *

How little it all matters.

* * * *

Cards, cards, cards, everyone playing whatever card suits their cause.

* * * *

More pathetic by the day.

* * * *

What a web of conspiracy this garden orb hath wrought.

* * * *

Are you sure your sense of time is the same as anyone else's?

* * * *

What is the herd up to today?

* * * *

Do you seek out pain, or it, you?

* * * *

Details, fucking details.

* * * *

At what point did life become a countdown?

* * * *

No, it is not a conspiracy.

* * * *

Love, who needs it?

* * * *

Where’s God when you need him?

* * * *

Rest assured, Mother Nature does not give one iota of a hoot what you believe.

* * * *

What good are details to people who will not listen to them?

* * * *

Consciousness is a function of awareness.

* * * *

Which is more arrogant, to realize you are that which is god, or believing you are not?

* * * *

A still mind, a mind given over to awareness, is a timeless mindless mind.

* * * *

One day, death will be the final solution.

* * * *

And they died, too.

* * * *

You are far more vast than imagination can allow.

* * * *

Sometimes you get offed quick; sometimes it is a slow and painful burn.

* * * *

The challenge of growing old is staying young.

* * * *

Toast the moon.

* * * *

Do not misperceive what you imagine your Self to be with what you truly are.

* * * *

What a sweet elixir, revenge.

* * * *

Better luck next time.

* * * *

How many more unnatural selections will Mother Nature allow.

* * * *

Un-impinged by any thought, you are.

* * * *

Jesus unplugged.

* * * *

The limited shelf life is daily more limited.

* * * *

The inny-outy thing is a given; gender roles, however, are a state of mind.

* * * *

And the unquenchable axis of greed and fear and hate ruled.

* * * *

If the day has turned against you, there is no dishonor withdrawing from the field.

* * * *

The insatiable hunger, how it burns.

* * * *

Expand your vision of god to include everything infinitesimal to infinite, including your Self.

* * * *

Underestimation is the worst thing you can give any problem.

* * * *

So much effort for something so effortless.

* * * *

Do you deal with the way you want things to be, or the way they are?

* * * *

Amazing what a bastion for ignorance the world has become.

* * * *

Every day a new normal.

* * * *

All history, as scientifically as it might be sorted, boils down to scholarly speculation.

* * * *

Natural selection, quantum selection.

* * * *

Everyone a judge.

* * * *

The end of the line is never far off.

* * * *

Sticks and stones, swords and spears, bullets and bombs, do not choose their targets.

* * * *

In the door, out the door, who knows how many.

* * * *

What’s your slant?

* * * *

Who-what-where-when-why-how is the life given no continuity?

* * * *

Every form has a history, yet where is its beginning, where is its end?

* * * *

What story, what narrative, what chronical is ever truly real?

* * * *

God is just another lie.

* * * *

The art of speculation is a game of smoke and mirrors.

* * * *

What else have you ever been but solitary witness to an inexplicable mystery?

* * * *

You buy cheap, you buy two or three times.

* * * *

And suddenly … another adventure, project, game show, whatever … done.

* * * *

Sweet oblivion, grand oblivion, immaculate oblivion.

* * * *

All perceptions of existence are but a mirage of the quantum mind.

* * * *

Never assume anybody else is bound by your limitations.

* * * *

In the groove.

* * * *

Self-pity is a debilitating state of mind; it serves no pragmatic function.

* * * *

How pollsters and researchers do lover their statistical foreplay.

* * * *

What is anyone’s fate but the result of the character the mystery has played.

* * * *

Suicide is meeting the Reaper half-way.

* * * *

There it is.

* * * *

For your art, you do suffer.

* * * *

Anything goes.

* * * *

The point of old age is realizing how absurdly mundane it has always been.

* * * *

You cannot save someone from themselves; you cannot save someone from their fate.

* * * *

May as well ask why live.

* * * *

A leader can only lead where followers will follow.

* * * *

There are no Christs, there are no Buddhas; only middlemen and followers and circus tents.

* * * *

What religions call heaven is the pseudo version.

* * * *

Light is required, sound is required; taste and smell and touch are luxuries.

* * * *

Everybody wants a piece of our wallets, we want it all for free, and a vast no-man's land between.

* * * *

If no moment is distinguishable from another, where’s the mystery?

* * * *

Yet another inevitability of technology.

* * * *

What can you recall of even a moment ago but the vaguest perception?

* * * *

At the indivisible quantum level, what could possibly differentiate one moment from another?

* * * *

You are the quantum matrix; the quantum matrix is you.

* * * *

None of it will matter when the Reaper shows up for the harvest.

* * * *

Dead while living.

* * * *

Never real but that imagination deigns it so.

* * * *

Yet another time capsized.

* * * *

And what great difference do you believe you have really made in this cosmic swirl?

* * * *

Emotion is an unfathomable abyss.

* * * *

One life to live.

* * * *

Closed fist, open hand; closed mind, open mind.

* * * *

Sometimes just a nibble is enough.

* * * *

The endgame is about paying the consequences of the beginning and middle games.

* * * *

Flow like water.

* * * *

Throwing in the towel is always an option.

* * * *

It is not what you do as much as it is what you be.

* * * *

Seeking signs from the heavens usually gets the seeker whatever they are capable of discerning.

* * * *

There it is.

* * * *

Hard to do what does not call you.

* * * *

Yet another torturous endgame.

* * * *

Chances are it does not really matter, no matter the assertions otherwise.

* * * *

And one day you die; very inconvenient.

* * * *

All of the above.

* * * *

You are an eye of the mystery; what need to believe?

* * * *

How would this universe, your universe, exist without you to witness it?

* * * *

Pandering to fear and absurdity again, are we?

* * * *

Original Sin? Or Original Lie?

* * * *

What would Jesus do? Be anywhere but here saving us, obviously.

* * * *

Most answers, if there is one, are usually lingering about somewhere.

* * * *

Feel the crosshairs.

* * * *

We are all kings and queens, heroes and villains, angels and demons, unto our own universe.

* * * *

Curious that rationality has so lost its way.

* * * *

Being in the moment requires no belief; being in the moment is not capable of belief.

* * * *

So, you think that is some sort of normal, eh?

* * * *

Dogma is the original sin.

* * * *

Talking heads and dittoheads share the commonality of an eerie absurdities.

* * * *

It begins, it ends, every singular moment, again and again.

* * * *

All those numbers that do not mean diddly-squat today, will be even more diddly-squat tomorrow.

* * * *

All that vanity swirling around in your head, and for what, really?

* * * *

Consciousness is the creator of space and time, a quantum dimension born of imagination.

* * * *

So many seek until they find a new game of charades that is but another lie of consciousness.

* * * *

What is to surrender but a dream born of attachment to imaginary notion.

* * * *

A master of nothing travels no path and leaves no trail.

* * * *

Any beginning is always an end; any end, a beginning.

* * * *

What different world it was not so long ago.

* * * *

One moment, if you will.

* * * *

The real test of any captain is when the ship is floundering.

* * * *

Awareness does not care diddly-squat whether or not you give it even one iota of attention.

* * * *

The blame game is rarely played by those who are without sin.

* * * *

Does it all count for something? Only in imagination.

* * * *

All that accumulation, what do you need, really?

* * * *

Getting older is rather annoying.

* * * *

Revenge is one of the greater engines of history, but does not hold a candle to greed.

* * * *

Every man is a pharaoh, and if at all possible, leaves behind a garage filled with treasure.

* * * *

What don’t you desperately need now?

* * * *

The life you hoped for … planned for … even expected … well, good luck with that.

* * * *

Tap into the awareness as you would dive into a river, or a plug a lamp into a socket.

* * * *

The mini-death of sleep is good practice for the real thing, and just as easy but for the dying part.

* * * *

Revenge is a two-way thoroughfare.

* * * *

In the timeless, indelible awareness of the one-and-only, ever-present moment, nothing exists.

* * * *

The dream, the imagination, will always draw you back if you allow it.

* * * *

Ignorance is bliss until it runs into an iceberg.

* * * *

Why give credence to what does not match your own observation, your own experience?

* * * *

Who is not hero of their own of their own universe, of their own window of time?

* * * *

A world replete with self-absorbed bottom-feeders

* * * *

A new tack, a new leg, to the dream.

* * * *

It all means nothing but what imagination concocts.

* * * *

What’s you addiction?

* * * *

You cannot find what is not there to find.

* * * *

So much entitlement, so much distraction, so easily, so quickly, upended by plagues and wars.

* * * *

Live in whatever ignorance you will, the mystery of awareness equally abides all dreams.

* * * *

Meaning and purpose are the spice of imagination.

* * * *

What’s your obsession?

* * * *

The mundane is … well … mundane.

* * * *

The joy of god, the sorrow of god, are but imaginary states born of the dream of time.

* * * *

Longing for what was, hoping for what will be, are the suffering in which imagination dwells.

* * * *

You are awareness, the eternal moment, creator and creation, there is no other.

* * * *

All but a dream based on all the attachments to the mortal frame.

* * * *

With but a glance, a cosmos is created.

* * * *

Precedent is a constant player in any future-past.

* * * *

So convenient to have god and devil; praise one, blame the other.

* * * *

In the vagueness of memory, all things are possible.

* * * *

There is no knowing the truth of history; it is all the speculation of storytellers.

* * * *

There you are, playing out your own little charade.

* * * *

The man who suffers is still caught in the web of time, the web of mind.

* * * *

Do you find it, or it, you?

* * * *

Yet another window of vanity.

* * * *

What history does anyone care about most but their own?

* * * *

Yes, you are special, but not in the way you think.

* * * *

How easy it is to use desire and fear, carrot and stick, to tame the sheeple.

* * * *

You are the center of you imaginary universe, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

The indefinable that is always being defined.

* * * *

In surrender, grace.

* * * *

What need to conquer a world you have created?

* * * *

Gonna get a lot more wicked before any horizon shows up.

* * * *

The tortures of existence can be many and all too often.

* * * *

Consciousness is but a player.

* * * *

What makes any graven image any more graven than any other graven idea?

* * * *

Yet another day in the mystery theater.

* * * *

Everyone is crazy, even the so-called normal people.

* * * *

It is not out there; it is closer than close can be.

* * * *

It is the same mystery born of awareness that it has ever been, will every be.

* * * *

All idolatry is founded upon the vanity of the idolater.

* * * *

The world, the cosmos, exist only in consciousness; they are nothing in the ever-present moment.

* * * *

Everyone has a story, none are easy, many are harsher than others.

* * * *

The human paradigm is an impromptu passion play founded upon imaginary notion..

* * * *

What is it about agony and ecstasy that keeps you coming back from the nirvana of oblivion?

* * * *

Human vanity, leave home without it.

* * * *

That which is never born never dies.

* * * *

Just because you can breed does not mean you must or should.

* * * *

All life is of the same origin, but relatively few ever discern it clearly enough to be freed by it.

* * * *

The lies that time writes are many and often.

* * * *

The names and face change, but the paradigm remains the same.

* * * *

This our globalized modern world is but a house of cards waiting for breezes 'n trembles.

* * * *

The new normal is unfolding its wings.

* * * *

What will you endure before it is over?

* * * *

As awareness witnesses it.

* * * *

Hindsight 2020.

* * * *

There is always something nibbling on you or your pocketbook.

* * * *

Hell is getting a wee bit crowded.

* * * *

The funny thing about tomorrow is that it always shows up today.

* * * *

This is not a test.

* * * *

Diminishing daily.

* * * *

The past is now, the future is now, the now is now.

* * * *

A new level of pathetic.

* * * *

How’s your myth going?

* * * *

The progress that is not.

* * * *

You  pass through time, and time passes through you.

* * * *

You call that progress!?

* * * *

What is Creation but a wave heading toward its own shore.

* * * *

The road to power and fame and fortune is to be a character that goes where no one else dares.

* * * *

You spin your life as if it is real, but all anyone hears is a story translated through their own.

* * * *

What a monstrously cruel species humans can be.

* * * *

The house of cards is coming down.

* * * *

The new normal.

* * * *

Another day, same old story.

* * * *

Spiritual pride is an arrogance of its own.

* * * *

Analogue or digital, clocks ticking away the time, but the moment ever the same.

* * * *

Be cautious about believing you know things you cannot.

* * * *

Each is center stage in their universe, and a reflection in yours.

* * * *

Vanity is a shallow venue, greed its propellant, Mammon its idol.

* * * *

Face it, your entire existence has been a fabrication of imagination; awareness, cloaked by vanity.

* * * *

When you are pure awareness, what else is there to be?

* * * *

Different time, same moment.

* * * *

Holism is easily lost in the fog of details.

* * * *

Less is not necessarily better; more is not always, either.

* * * *

True science has no bounds.

* * * *

So much history we can barely if ever know.

* * * *

Life is a death sentence.

* * * *

You, assumption.

* * * *

Oh, insidious dust.

* * * *

Do not rely on hope.

* * * *

For his art s/he did suffer.

* * * *

If you cannot handle it anymore, maybe it is time to die.

* * * *

Admit what you see!

* * * *

Read the sign, get in line.

* * * *

The subtlety! The subtlety!

* * * *

Self-pity is a sure road to ruin.

* * * *

All universes are different; all universes are the same.

* * * *

Pay no attention to anyone behind any veil when it comes to discerning the truth for your Self.

* * * *

If you fear death, are you sure you know what it is to live?

* * * *

The way is neither shallow nor deep, neither near nor far, neither here nor there.

* * * *

There is no turning back the tide; there is no fooling death.

* * * *

In less than an instant, this moment too shall be a memory subject to imaginary recollection.

* * * *

You want to know God? Look within, discern the awareness peering out.

* * * *

Life is about adaptation to circumstance.

* * * *

What is done cannot be undone, only celebrated, endured, or forgotten.

* * * *

The craving for more is the bane of contentment.

* * * *

The absolute is without yes or no, this or that; without duality in any way, shape, or form.

* * * *

Worms will eat the flesh; wind will blow the ashes.

* * * *

How can there be different dimensions when all appearances, all attributes, are but illusion?

* * * *

Best to read the instructions, or at least glance at them.

* * * *

Effort cannot unlock the door.

* * * *

The sage’s work is never done because it never started.

* * * *

Ripple, wave, tsunami, what difference?

* * * *

Boon or bane, praise or derision, any life plays many stages.

* * * *

For the greedy, nothing is ever enough; for the sage, nothing is ever enough.

* * * *

Why allow others to convince you what you see is not true?

* * * *

That awareness which timelessly peers out is never undone.

* * * *

Live or die? Why should, how could awareness care?

* * * *

So many different ways to indulge the sensory mind.

* * * *

Jesus will save you for ten percent.

* * * *

Too hot, too cold, the mind’s discontent is not easily waylaid.

* * * *

Life dissipates and is forgotten, assuming it was even remembered in the first place.

* * * *

What a fraud you are when you pose it real.

* * * *

What is legal is what is not caught.

* * * *

The sage earns no special protection or merit badge for his wise counsel.

* * * *

Clinging to a dream, what torture.

* * * *

Awareness takes on all forms.

* * * *

What is offered herein is priceless beyond all value.

* * * *

Pandemics are just Mother Nature's way to try to eradicate the real cancer on this planet.

* * * *

Imagine a world, a universe, in which you have never been known.

* * * *

He who dies with the biggest pile of gold gets a seat closest to Mammon.

* * * *

Shit is shit, no matter the shade.

* * * *

You are what you think; you are not what you think.

* * * *

You need not do something over and over to know how it tastes.

* * * *

There is no problem that death cannot solve.

* * * *

Fate throws many curves.

* * * *

Whether a mind reared in civilization can ever let it go completely is a “Needs Research” question.

* * * *

After almost a lifetime, you finally figured it out.

* * * *

Best to be cautious about pretending you really know something.

* * * *

And what do you believe you have accomplished that will matter at all to eternity?

* * * *

You are always at church if you choose to be.

* * * *

Sticks and stones can break your bones, and words are the wind behind them.

* * * *

The man who suffers is the one who clings to mind and body.

* * * *

Pretending you exist again, eh?

* * * *

If you are truly about love, then do it agape, or do not bother at all.

* * * *

He with the most imagination suffers most.

* * * *

It is the mystery that is born again and again and again, not the identity.

* * * *

Death is the end to experiencing, to wondering, to knowing, to speculating.

* * * *

Imagination’s reign will be but a relatively short one.

* * * *

If you truly believed in God and Heaven, would you not be seeking to get there quickly?

* * * *

Feel sorry for the body, not your Self; you are not it, it is not you.

* * * *

Life as we know it is a lot of moments strung together by imagination.

* * * *

The winds of consciousness, of imagination, blow through the sky of timeless awareness.

* * * *

Why trust anyone whose primary directive is getting into your wallet?

* * * *

​You are only as free as you allow others to be.​

* * * *

How would you like it if what you just did to another happened to you?

* * * *

What a wacko world; why bother with it?

* * * *

The challenge is for doing not to become becoming.

* * * *

Every moment its own universe.

* * * *

What a tragedy to spend one’s life seeking the approval of others.

* * * *

Who loves who? Who hates who?

* * * *


* * * *

​Rehashing your story daily.

* * * *

Power and fame and fortune do not draw the selfless.

* * * *


* * * *

Do what amuses you.

* * * *

Meaning and purpose are lies; embrace the futility.

* * * *

Forgive yourself if you can.

* * * *

Every time has its own little window of absurdity.​

* * * *

​Seems like a lot of people still believe that world exists.​

* * * *

Good luck with that.

* * * *

A sperm fertilized an egg, and you were given a life sentence.

* * * *

The awareness that let its story go.

* * * *

Life has always been more fair for those who have the gold to back it up.

* * * *

The cosmos that vanity built.

* * * *

Let us count the ways; let us uncount the ways.

* * * *

Just like the hunter waiting for the squirrel to pop its head out.

* * * *

Now erase the story.

* * * *

A state of watchfulness.

* * * *

Change your nature-nurture conditioned programming? Good luck with that.

* * * *

They will get over it.

* * * *

Hopefully, the Reaper does not mind being laughed at.

* * * *

Self-pity is a sure road to perdition

* * * *

Steady as she goes.

* * * *

Alimentary canals surrounded by prattle and notion.

* * * *

Empty as she goes.

* * * *

What is any life but a set of moments strung together by imagination.

* * * *

Everything you hold near and dear will be gone with the last breath.

* * * *

Most are content with a life of distraction.

* * * *

Nothing means nothing.

* * * *

All that fat is going to make the burning pyre scorching hot.

* * * *

Death is starting all over again.

* * * *

Every choice leads to new consequences.

* * * *

Rest assured you fear is always being capitalized on.

* * * *

Small minds can be made by too little intelligence, and too much, as well.

* * * *

Awareness is true Self; imagined self is but imagined self.

* * * *

All stories are just stories, none greater, none lesser, really.

* * * *

Vanity, vanity, all is vanity, and that is vanity, too.

* * * *

Holding onto your existence, what for?

* * * *

All as predictable as the breath you are about to take.

* * * *

So this is where Manifest Destiny gets you.

* * * *

Trial and error is the brick and mortar of all creation.

* * * *

And what, exactly, is  the point of that measurement?

* * * *

There are worse things than death.

* * * *

Where are you when the inner narration ceases?

* * * *

What busy-busy minds the ambitious have.

* * * *

Adulation, who needs it?

* * * *

Where to perch when all the perches are gone.

* * * *

Let go all the stories, including anonymous.

* * * *

The unconditioned mind is as free as it gets.

* * * *

Fair or foul, the Fates have you in their grip.

* * * *

If you go this way …

* * * *

That world is long gone.

* * * *

Did it slip your mind, or the mind slip it?

* * * *

The beginning of the story, the middle of the story, the end of the story, all the same.

* * * *

This is what it takes to wake up.

* * * *

All this inquiry, surely, it is time to erase the story.

* * * *

All that fat is going to make for an inferno on the burning pyre.

* * * *

Imagination is creator and creation.

* * * *

Fabrication that it is, knowledge will always see itself out.

* * * *

The mind without a story is a free mind.

* * * *

What is history but storytellers telling of storymakers.

* * * *

It is impossible for awareness to exist.

* * * *

Same pattern, different day.

* * * *

A window of entitlement coming to a close.

* * * *

Resist the herd.

* * * *

Fear rules.

* * * *

The full cup has no more room for fresh brew.

* * * *

Batten down the hatches.

* * * *

Oblivion or bust.

* * * *

Yet another wakeup call with a built-in snooze alarm.

* * * *

How many ways are there to shoot ourselves over and over in both feet?

* * * *

What is a scene but the other enhanced by the many.

* * * *

What is it to you?

* * * *

The body is but the regalia of a dream

* * * *

Every story has a beginning; every story has an ending.

* * * *

What is your excuse?

* * * *

Sometimes there are bigger waves than you can handle.

* * * *

What a different world is created by hysteria.

* * * *

Even the sages can run afoul of pride.

* * * *

Awareness is witness; imagination, the dreamer; quantum, the theater.

* * * *

Imagination can only usurp awareness for as long as awareness allows.

* * * *

What is philosophy but therapy for people whose wit cannot be easily contained.

* * * *

The dream carries on and on until death do you part.

* * * *

Is not your mind kingdom enough?

* * * *

Be your own best friend.

* * * *

We all play our little program for as long as breath allows.

* * * *

Has it ever really been any different?

* * * *

What can be given can be taken away; entitlements are like that.

* * * *

What’s your box?

* * * *

Life is in the living and dying of every moment; all else is vanity.

* * * *

Everything means nothing; nothing means nothing.

* * * *

Idolatry from the get-go.

* * * *

Suicide is a choice to pay your ticket before it is due.

* * * *

Anonymity, both within and without, is a blessing.

* * * *

An interactive, impromptu quantum theatre.

* * * *

The lie that mind wrote.

* * * *

You will be free when you are dead, with or without a body.

* * * *

Pretending you are not insane is insane.

* * * *

You cannot kill the devil.

* * * *

Still caught in the bounds of limitation?

* * * *

There is no becoming, only being; imagination is the source of all vanity.

* * * *

Which modern day are we talking about?

* * * *

Question the answers, question the questions.

* * * *

Trust your immune system.

* * * *

True is true no matter how true.

* * * *

Is there anything the mob enjoys more than pulling its idols off their pedestals?

* * * *

Anybody who believes they are not crazy is crazy.

* * * *

Every mind concocts a different Jesus.

* * * *

Many a Samaritan offers anonymous aid to strangers s/he will never meet.

* * * *

The more you cling, the more challenging it is to just be.

* * * *

The human condition is founded entirely on imagination.

* * * *

What is knowledge but the futile attempt to be secure in a merciless dream.

* * * *

Thank the gods if you were not born into the curse of power or fortune or fame.

* * * *

Let go all the stories, including your own.

* * * *

Yesterday, that; today, this; tomorrow, who the fuck knows?

* * * *

Why ever need be concerned about impressing or pleasing anyone else?

* * * *

It is just a story.

* * * *

Of truth, nobody really knows, but plenty sure like to yabber on and on.

* * * *

There is no more or less that reality can be; it is what it is.

* * * *

Who can you really know if you do not know your Self?

* * * *

All, alone.

* * * *

What have you ever really known?

* * * *

Same clay, different day.

* * * *

Empty the cache of all memories, all perceptions, all assumptions; free your Self.

* * * *

Discern and root out the other.

* * * *

Back when you were younger and stupider.

* * * *

You are not going to stop stupid people from being stupid.

* * * *

Lies upon lies upon lies.

* * * *

Awareness is the ticket and the ride.

* * * *

Assume nothing and be free.

* * * *

It is a good day to die; tomorrow would be better.

* * * *

What is so interesting about that stage?

* * * *

The mind without attributes is a tranquil pond of awareness.

* * * *

Free your Self.

* * * *

Ugly just got uglier.

* * * *

Nothing is disturbed; nothing is undisturbed.

* * * *

How can any story ever be real?

* * * *

Share and share alike, or take and take alike; you decide.

* * * *

Be ready, it is going to get very ugly.

* * * *

Why weep for the dead? You are among them.

* * * *

You who are about to die, we salute you.

* * * *

Doing not harm is an exceedingly relative perception.

* * * *

Assumptions upon assumptions upon assumptions.

* * * *

Dust become critters, critters become dust.

* * * *

Death is a great problem-solver.

* * * *

Spend that last dime, save the last bullet, borrow a gun.

* * * *

The willy-nilly herd stampedes again.

* * * *

Likely not a good idea to be too arrogant in whatever jungle you endure.

* * * *

Survival of the fittest versus thriving of the inadequate.

* * * *

Within each mind, both lock and key.

* * * *

What you really are, and are not, will always fill whatever balloon is given seed.

* * * *

The mystery staring into a mirror is still a mystery.

* * * *

You are going to spend the rest of your life dying.

* * * *

Pain and suffering have a way of drawing one’s attention more readily than pleasure and joy.

* * * *

Those shaping moments are ever sculpting away.

* * * *

Blessed are the dead.

* * * *

Two eyes, two ears, one tongue, one nose, one skin, no mind.

* * * *

Change your mind? Good luck with that.

* * * *

The awareness in times and space; the time and space in awareness.

* * * *

Is there such a thing as being too honest?

* * * *

Awareness is without attributes.

* * * *

Feels like forever.

* * * *

Awareness is neither something nor nothing.

* * * *

What is this modern time but narcissism and hedonism on steroids.

* * * *

Pray for rain.

* * * *

Beyond all description.

* * * *

Exponential everything accelerating on steroids plus-plus.

* * * *

Birth is the beginning, pleasure and pain the process, death the conclusion.

* * * *

Do you really want to open that door?

* * * *

Born ready.

* * * *

Do you really want to close that door?

* * * *

Perhaps someday you will realize what it was like to be that soul you judged with your abuse.

* * * *

Time and space are not without awareness.

* * * *

Making a point in a pointless world.

* * * *

Yet another attempt to put into words what words can never tell.

* * * *

Science that defies nature, that manipulates nature, is not good science.

* * * *

Humankind is wired for narcissism and hedonism.

* * * *

Is time any more than a function of memory cells?

* * * *

Nothing to write home about.

* * * *

Fear works all too well.

* * * *

You mean there is ‘sensible violence’?

* * * *

Cross any line at your own risk.

* * * *

There is nothing more.

* * * *

Just another way to die.

* * * *

Be warned.

* * * *

We all consider our twists and turns normal.

* * * *

Dissolving into oblivion.

* * * *

That is a definite maybe.

* * * *

Damn the Reaper, full speed ahead.​

* * * *

Why take life personal?

* * * *

Humble up, Humanity.

* * * *

Like a riptide taking you out to sea.

* * * *

Why make assumptions?

* * * *

Living for what the herd thinks is a well-worn path to perdition.

* * * *

You are superior to what, again?

* * * *

Rationality or delusion, you choose.

* * * *

As if it never happened.

* * * *

The mystery is already over you; time to catch up.

* * * *

Oh boy, oh joy.

* * * *

Be anonymous without; be anonymous within.

* * * *

Assume more intimacy than there is at your own risk.

* * * *

All in a dream, all but a dream.

* * * *

Why torture your Self for so many imaginary reasons?

* * * *

Slathered with vanity.

* * * *

Is it not a wondrous thing to know you are surrounded by so much blissful ignorance.

* * * *

Gaze into the pond, Narcissus, until your vanity swallows you whole.

* * * *

A hard world to ignore; an easy world to judge.

* * * *

Aloneness, embrace it.

* * * *

The delusions of self-interest wander many paths to many dead ends.

* * * *

Be time-free.

* * * *

Easy does it.

* * * *

Pity the young.

* * * *

Less dogma, more being.

* * * *

Sold a bill of goods, and you cannot even remember the transaction.

* * * *

The hunter-gathers of these modern times wander the aisles of Walmart and Amazon.

* * * *

Awareness is awakened in all sentient beings, and at-the-ready in everything else.

* * * *

Nature is the expression; awareness the medium.

* * * *

You really think you are doing something many if not most others are also doing?

* * * *

How can you save what was never more than a dream in the first place?

* * * *

Even nothing does not really matter.

* * * *

If you must name awareness, call it god, or something of that stripe.

* * * *

The trouble with quantum is that it is trouble-free.

* * * *

What point to existence if awareness does not use it to explore the creation to which it is home.

* * * *

Moderation in all things; anything once and awhile.

* * * *

What could you possibly do to make it more or less the dreamtime it is, has always been, will ever be.

* * * *

You are only as useful as others perceive.

* * * *

You are the most immaculate you the immaculate mystery could immaculately create.

* * * *

To assert the ant wanders the same universe as the tiger is laughable.

* * * *

Nothing matters but to vain notion.

* * * *

Normal, what does that word, that concept, mean, anyway?

* * * *

Why did you come back?

* * * *

Truth is not what you think; truth is not anything you think.

* * * *

To call it anything is to squander yet another moment.

* * * *

Are you deluding yourself that you are not deluding yourself?

* * * *

The imagination-driven universe awakens to a new day.

* * * *

It is not for you to decide.

* * * *

History changes every time a page is added or torn out.

* * * *

All beginnings and all ends wrap into one.

* * * *

The never-ending story will never be written for more than a scratch of time.

* * * *

How absolutely amazing is that?

* * * *

​Who can hear any claptrap that does not fall in their paradigm?

* * * *

All them piles of gold are going to turn into sand.​

* * * *

Yet another talking head believing their yabber really matters.

* * * *

No witness, no history.

* * * *

Surrender now before it is too late.

* * * *

It is only vanity that cares.

* * * *

Will any answer ever satisfy you?

* * * *

Why take nothing personal?

* * * *

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it only perpetuates you.

* * * *

Original sin is but an imaginary notion born of dogmatic thinking.

* * * *

The freest mind is the one not suffering the contractions of consciousness.

* * * *

Everything is a kaleidoscoping expression of totality.

* * * *

It is only ignorance that binds you.

* * * *

Always a good idea to stay sharp for those moment impossible to anticipate.

* * * *

Waking up every moment to a new universe.

* * * *

​Awareness, ever alone amid the swirl of every possible distraction.

* * * *

Awareness is as large as it is small.

* * * *

The wisdom of insecurity, the insecurity of wisdom.

* * * *

Sucking thumb, sucking screen, what difference, really?

* * * *

Is there any end to subtlety?

* * * *

The serenity of the tabula rasa is the state of the mind unborn-undying.

* * * *

Nothing matters only as much as imagination imagines.

* * * *

Now is the only church open every moment.

* * * *

That snowball you are consequencing now was once a snowflake.

* * * *

Vanity aside, what is the point?

* * * *

Now is enough.

* * * *

How can it not be the same mystery no matter how many dimensions you occupy?

* * * *

So many memories washing into the sea of oblivion.

* * * *

Possibilities, imagine them all.

* * * *

​What language does not sound like gibberish to the undiscerning ear?

* * * *

Beware the charismatic leader.

* * * *

The Great Monkey Mind leaves no facet of its crystalline nature unplayed.

* * * *

Not easy to endure, but fascinating to watch​.

* * * *

Being stupid has its consequences.

* * * *

Getting old is filled with so many bothers, and no doubt many more just beyond the horizon.

* * * *

We are all supping on the same mystery.

* * * *

A woman has hit her decline when ​when her laugh ​becomes a cackle.

* * * *

Do nothing? Or let nothing do you?

* * * *

Check your entitlements.

* * * *

Megalomania can be a magnet to the herd mind.

* * * *

One of those necessary bothers in this our modern world.

* * * *

There is no copyright on truth.

* * * *

The good news is that it will not be your problem much longer.

* * * *

Freedom is having just one detail in mind, and that is whether it is an inhale or exhale.

* * * *

Whatever you believe will tinge whatever you see.

* * * *

Always look back.

* * * *

Ignore the attributes.

* * * *

Bound up in every conceivable concept, we are, we are … And to what end?

* * * *

Watch the children; learn from what they, too, will forget.

* * * *

There is nothing that gives you pleasure that cannot take you down a dark path.

* * * *

It is always a good day to die.

* * * *

The uncorruptible is awaiting its discernment.

* * * *

What prize can there possibly be that will satisfy the insatiable?

* * * *

You are whatever you are least able not to be.

* * * *

Still sucking thumb.

* * * *

The Goldilocks Malady: Too hot, too cold, just right.

* * * *

Rolodexing the day.

* * * *

Time is nothing more than a neurological conception.

* * * *

Gravity deceives you into believing you are not floating in space.

* * * *

To see it all, and want it not, is the greatest freedom.

* * * *

Another day watching humankind go further and further off the rails.

* * * *

Dick Tracy is no longer just a cartoon.

* * * *

What critter – whether winged, finned, hoofed, or fingered – does not hanker for a free meal?

* * * *

All things pass the same.

* * * *

To what are you attached? To what are you not? Likely an ever-changing dynamic.

* * * *

Realization is as full of irony and paradox as anything in siesta mode.

* * * *

Nothing near, nothing far, all the same, right here, right now, for all eternity, mystery that it ever is.

* * * *

Neither happy nor sad, good nor bad, light nor dark, the witness is.

* * * *

We are all blends of history come before.

* * * *

How can there be happiness when more is never enough?

* * * *

Only those lost to absurdity argue or ignore with facts.

* * * *

What a world.

* * * *

Awareness: unborn, undying, indelible, indivisible, absolute.

* * * *

You have to make all the mistakes so you know what they are.

* * * *

Yet still you cling.

* * * *

When was the first beginning; when will be the final end?

* * * *

Yet another auspiciously inauspicious day; perception is all, attitude is all.

* * * *

The undifferentiated state is a state unto its Self.

* * * *

The awareness prior to consciousness is as near as you can be to anything called god.

* * * *

To believe the jungle owes you anything is a first and last error.

* * * *

The price of "success" in this our modern world.

* * * *

Awareness harbors no duality; that is the purview of imagination.

* * * *

Remembered again, forgotten again.

* * * *

If someone wants good friends, they have to be a good friend.

* * * *

Is any myth, any legend, any saga, any parable, any folktale, ever the true story?

* * * *

Existence requires action, but not necessarily all the time; occasional breaks make it tolerable.

* * * *

All the naming means nothing.

* * * *

In anything you can only go as far as the given nature-nurture allows.

* * * *

Whatever it is or is not, you are or are not.

* * * *

The something without which there would be nothing.

* * * *

Hell is other people.

* * * *

Nothing to get, nothing to be, nothing to do.

* * * *

Behavior may be modified, but the essential underlying perceptions ever remain the same.

* * * *

Is faith anything more than another world for delusion?

* * * *

It is a jungle; the tiger takes many forms.

* * * *

How ludicrous to believe any label, any meme, even begins to encapsulate anyone.

* * * *

Consequences and repercussions.

* * * *

Playing the move-up-the-food-chain game can be risky business.

* * * *

The great what is; the great what is not.

* * * *

True philosophy is entirely pointless.

* * * *

Awareness has no identity.

* * * *

You must let go all the words if you wish to drift in emptiness, the solitude of awareness.

* * * *

The lie that history wrote.

* * * *

What is this momentary dream but one kaleidoscoping phase after another.

* * * *

Hypocrisy hath no bounds.

* * * *

Moderate your greed.

* * * *

There is only one first time for anything.

* * * *

Can there ever be any end to the greed machine but extinction?

* * * *

It is interesting studying the world, but ignorance is much more blissful.

* * * *

What a thing it is to grow old; so much bother, so much suffering.

* * * *

The electromagnetic spectrum is far beyond far, any reckoning to which consciousness might aspire.

* * * *

How long can forever be if time does not exist?

* * * *

Summed up, there are three personality types: The Givers, The Takers, and The Needy.

* * * *

Never a good idea to fall for your own propaganda.

* * * *

It is a mystery is a mystery is a mystery, and shall ever remain a mystery.

* * * *

Find contentment in the moment.

* * * *

How free of your conditioning can you ever really be?

* * * *

All insane, some more functional than others, that being called normal.

* * * *

Real revolution is not a herd thing.

* * * *

Not easy to embrace oblivion.

* * * *

Awareness is ever the same awareness, no matter how you mine it.

* * * *

No belief is real belief; no faith is real faith.

* * * *

Sneaky does it.

* * * *

A rare few see reality clearly, without effort, and move on at ease with their brief dream.

* * * *

Truth is so pure and simple as to be non-existent.

* * * *

Morons in charge.

* * * *

Maybe for a few moments in another year or three.

* * * *

Consciousness and imagination are different words for the same thing.

* * * *

Is there a happy ending to any life’s story?

* * * *

Imagination is the harbor of duality.

* * * *

Life is a brief little outing to which too much attachment only brings grief and suffering.

* * * *

What need for deities and demons?

* * * *

How little control any life form really has over its existence.

* * * *

Loaded words unending.

* * * *

There is no truth; merely the fog of lies swirling around and about.

* * * *

When does more than enough become too much?

* * * *

Philosophical inquiry is the long and winding journey home.

* * * *

How does dressing like a clown make someone a revolutionary?

* * * *

Why humankind assumes itself the be-all-end-all of the universe is a mystery unto its Self.

* * * *

Oblivion is pretty final.

* * * *
One bleak end or another awaits all.

* * * *

Haters abound.

* * * *

What more can ever truly be more than what is?

* * * *

Awareness harbors no duality.

* * * *

What point to philosophy that does not translate into daily living?

* * * *

Every time a human baby is born, it means a lot of things are going to die.

* * * *

Forget who you think you are.

* * * *

The perfect crime is the one no one ever even suspects happened.

* * * *

No doubt, no worries.

* * * *

What is consciousness but the flurry of its own proportion.

* * * *

Erase all remnants.

* * * *

Absurd assumptions make for absurd dogma.

* * * *

You do not know it does; you do not know it does not.

* * * *

Yet another moment of weakness.

* * * *

It is the same today as it was yesterday as it will be tomorrow.

* * * *

None of it is right here, right now.

* * * *

Why engage with any dualistic notion?

* * * *

The sage evaporates into nothing.

* * * *

Already dead, and do not even know it.

* * * *

Saving someone from themselves? Good luck with that.

* * * *

What is fashion but a lot of vain people pretending they look like more than pigs in makeup.

* * * *

Where is that big dick guy in the sky, anyway?

* * * *

Imagination exists, not you.

* * * *

The student of truth is neither deterred nor deflected by any lie.

* * * *

Recognition is always well after the fact.

* * * *

Trouble never sends a warning.

* * * *

Till your own ground.

* * * *

Ignorance can be troublesome.

* * * *

Yoga is still yoga not matter how much snake oil is slathered on it.

* * * *

How can you ever die if you were never born?

* * * *

It does not matter how right you are if you walk in front of a truck.

* * * *

Outsmarted yourself again, eh?

* * * *

Once upon a time you knew so much, and now so little a thimble would suffice.

* * * *

What forever can there be to the eternity that is timeless?

* * * *

Nature is the mystery’s expression.

* * * *

How long to reach any goal if you count all the steps before the journey even begins?

* * * *

True belief requires no belief; true faith requires no faith.

* * * *

An mind given over to awareness is attuned to conscious breathing.

* * * *

Despite all the macho vanity swirling about it, what gain is there in pain?

* * * *

When it comes to assumptions of free will, the Fates just laugh.

* * * *

Discipline for discipline’s sake is a core attribute that never stops giving.

* * * *

Make every mistake so you know what they are.

* * * *

It is all just speculation, it is all just wordplay, until you discover it for your Self.

* * * *

We are born alone, we exist alone, we die alone.

* * * *

Imagination is its own boon; imagination is its own bane.

* * * *

Science can only go so far before philosophy must wrest away the baton.

* * * *

Double entendre, more double entendre, even more double entendre.

* * * *

Surrender, more surrender, even more surrender.

* * * *

Herd shit, more herd shit, even more herd shit.

* * * *

Dabbling, more dabbling, even more dabbling.

* * * *

Whatthe#$*!, more whatthe#$*!, even more whatthe#$*!

* * * *

Research needed, more research needed, even more research needed.

* * * *

Squawking, more squawking, even more squawking.

* * * *

Charades, more charades, even more charades.

* * * *

Habitual thinking, more habitual thinking, even more habitual thinking.

* * * *

Games, more games, even more games.

* * * *

Surrender, more surrender, even more surrender.

* * * *

Go, more go, even more go.

* * * *

Hubris, more hubris, even more hubris.

* * * *

Stop, more stop, even more stop.

* * * *

Yield, more yield, even more yield.

* * * *

Social distancing, more social distancing, even more social distancing.

* * * *

Breeding, more breeding, even more breeding.

* * * *

Aimlessness, more aimlessness, even more aimlessness.

* * * *

Diminishment, more diminishment, even more diminishment.

* * * *

Bleak ends, more bleak ends, even more bleak ends.

* * * *

Regurgitation, more regurgitation, even more regurgitation.

* * * *

Grand theater, more grand theater, even more grand theater.

* * * *

Embracing oblivion, more embracing oblivion, even more embracing oblivion.

* * * *

Chatter, more chatter, even more chatter.

* * * *

Lists, more lists, even more lists.

* * * *

Roshambo, more roshambo, even more roshambo.

* * * *

Finicky, more finicky, even more finicky.

* * * *

Names and faces, more names and faces, even more names and faces.

* * * *

Myths and legends, more myths and legends, even more myths and legends.

* * * *

Progress, more progress, even more progress.

* * * *

Bottom-feeders, more bottom-feeders, even more bottom-feeders.

* * * *

Suffering, more suffering, even more suffering.

* * * *

Moronic, more moronic, even more moronic.

* * * *

Natural selection, more natural selection, even more natural selection.

* * * *

Unnatural selection, more unnatural selection, even more unnatural selection.

* * * *

Capitulation, more capitulation, even more capitulation.

* * * *

Inner dialogue, more inner dialogue, even more inner dialogue.

* * * *

Plagiarization, more plagiarization, even more plagiarization.

* * * *

Duplication, more duplication, even more duplication.

* * * *

Observation, more observation, even more observation.

* * * *

Bitter brew, more bitter brew, even more bitter brew.

* * * *

Mumbo-jumbo, more mumbo-jumbo, even more mumbo-jumbo.

* * * *

Foul purpose, more foul purpose, even more foul purpose.

* * * *

Pandora, more pandora, even more pandora.

* * * *

Storytelling, more storytelling, even more storytelling.

* * * *

Human concoction, more human concoction, even more human concoction.

* * * *

Conceptual fray, more conceptual fray, even more conceptual fray.

* * * *

God-eat-god, more god-eat-god, even more god-eat-god.

* * * *

Nothing less, more nothing less, even more nothing less.

* * * *

Nothing more, more nothing more, even more nothing more.

* * * *

Nothing but, more nothing but, even more nothing but.

* * * *

Splinters, more splinters, even more splinters.

* * * *

Selfie madness, more selfie madness, even more selfie madness.

* * * *

Watching, more watching, even more watching.

* * * *

Hysteria, more hysteria, even more hysteria.

* * * *

Perspectives, more perspectives, even more perspectives.

* * * *

Holy shit, more holy shit, even more holy shit.

* * * *

Trial and error, more trial and error, even more trial and error.

* * * *

Inner narration, more inner narration, even more inner narration.

* * * *

Genomic sequencing, more genomic sequencing, even more genomic sequencing.

* * * *

Human poppycock, more human poppycock, even more human poppycock.

* * * *

Subtlety, more subtlety, even more subtlety.

* * * *

Titles, more titles, even more titles.

* * * *

Travesty, more travesty, even more travesty.

* * * *

Irrationality, more irrationality, even more irrationality.

* * * *

Banality, more banality, even more banality.

* * * *

Naps, more naps, even more naps.

* * * *

Processing, more processing, even more processing.

* * * *

Dittyfesting, more dittyfesting, even more dittyfesting.

* * * *

Mirages, more mirages, even more mirages.

* * * *

Dreamtime, more dreamtime, even more dreamtime.

* * * *

Discord, more discord, even more discord.

* * * *

Dissipation, more dissipation, even more dissipation.

* * * *

Distrust, more distrust, even more distrust.

* * * *

Disgust, more disgust, even more disgust.

* * * *

Development, more development, even more development.

* * * *

Distraction, more distraction, even more distraction.

* * * *

Terror, more terror, even more terror.

* * * *

Gossip, more gossip, even more gossip.

* * * *

Nagging, more nagging, even more nagging.

* * * *

Already forgotten, more already forgotten, even more already forgotten.

* * * *

Torture, more torture, even more torture.

* * * *

Just being, more just being, even more just being.

* * * *

Doofus, more doofus, even more doofus.

* * * *

Stepping back, more stepping back, even more stepping back.

* * * *

Sweet surrender, more sweet surrender, even more sweet surrender.

* * * *

Celebration, more celebration, even more celebration.

* * * *

Boogaloo, more boogaloo, even more boogaloo.

* * * *

Nostalgia, more nostalgia, even more nostalgia.

* * * *

Empty chatter, more empty chatter, even more empty chatter.

* * * *

Phases, more phases, even more phases.

* * * *

Hurt, more hurt, even more hurt.

* * * *

Zip, more zip, even more zip.

* * * *

Moving on, more moving on, even more moving on.

* * * *

Pollyanna, more pollyanna, even more pollyanna.

* * * *

Hidden treasure, more hidden treasure, even more hidden treasure.

* * * *

Yada yada, more yada yada, even more yada yada.

* * * *

Intensity, more intensity, even more intensity.

* * * *

Revelations, more revelations, even more revelations.

* * * *

Preening, more preening, even more preening.

* * * *

Chaff, more chaff, even more chaff.

* * * *

Hooey balooey, more hooey balooey, even more hooey balooey.

* * * *

Tales of woe, more tales of woe, even more tales of woe.

* * * *

Th-th-th-that's all folks, more th-th-th-that's all folks, even more th-th-th-that's all folks.