Michael's Rabbit Hole 2020


Awareness is Awareness



Awareness is awareness.

What is to intellectualize?

What is to mythologize?

What is to dogmatize?

What is to illuminate?

What is to symbolize?

What is to systemize?

What is to idolatrize?

What is to translate?

What is to elucidate?

What is to canonize?

What is to ritualize?

What is to worship?

What is to convert?

What is to believe?

What is to imagine?

What is to venerate?

What is to persuade?

What is to interpret?

What is to formalize?

What is to evangelize?

What is to proselytize?

What is to propagandize?

What is to institutionalize?

What is to traditionalize?

What is to anything?





The Genesis of Choice



There are no teachers, no coaches, no masters.

It is you who chooses to school yourself.

It is you who chooses to learn, or not to learn.

It is you who chooses to study, to observe, to realize.

It is you who chooses to put together an imaginary cosmos.

It is you who creates the frame of reference in which you will abide.





 Illusion and Delusion



From nothingness, awareness.

From awareness, quantum.

From quantum, chemistry.

From chemistry, biology.

From biology, medium.

From medium, consciousness,

From consciousness, imagination.

From imagination, Me and Myself and I.

From Me and Myself and I, illusion and delusion.








There is nothing more.

Nothing to achieve.

Nothing to grasp.

Nothing to do.

Nothing to be.

All but a dream.





All Things Imaginable



Time is a creation of the human mind.

The timeless moment is all there is.

All meaning and purpose is illusion.

Only the mind moves the clock’s hands.

Only the mind travels the calendar’s pages.

Only the mind measures all things imaginable.

Only the mind imagines its world, its universe, real.





What Does the Mystery Care?


Infinite or infinitesimal, what does the mystery care?

Spiritual or agnostic, what does the mystery care?

Clean or dirty, what does the mystery care?

Live or die, what does the mystery care?

Wealthy or poor, what does the mystery care?

Alive or dead, what does the mystery care?

Believer or atheist, what does the mystery care?

Subtle or blatant, what does the mystery care?

Kind or cruel, what does the mystery care?

Sane or insane, what does the mystery care?

Straight or gay, what does the mystery care?

Sage or fool, what does the mystery care?

Fast or slow, what does the mystery care?

Do or do not, what does the mystery care?

Long or short, what does the mystery care?

Succeed or fail, what does the mystery care?

Love or hate, what does the mystery care?

Still or moving, what does the mystery care?

Real or unreal, what does the mystery care?

Tit or tat, what does the mystery care?

For or against, what does the mystery care?

Up or down, what does the mystery care?

Around or through, what does the mystery care?

Clear or unclear, what does the mystery care?

Fat or thin, what does the mystery care?

Strong or weak, what does the mystery care?

Gratis or priceless, what does the mystery care?

Hard or soft, what does the mystery care?

Give or take, what does the mystery care?

To or from, what does the mystery care?

Wise or foolish, what does the mystery care?

Beautiful or ugly, what does the mystery care?

Big or small, what does the mystery care?

Known or unknown, what does the mystery care?

Fore or aft, what does the mystery care?

Awake or asleep, what does the mystery care?

Heavy or light, what does the mystery care?

Rich or poor, what does the mystery care?

Awake or asleep, what does the mystery care?

True or false, what does the mystery care?

Ecstasy or agony, what does the mystery care?

First or last, what does the mystery care?

Creative or destructive, what does the mystery care?

Full or empty, what does the mystery care?

Sweet or bitter, what does the mystery care?

Loud or quiet, what does the mystery care?

Straight or rounded, what does the mystery care?

Bright or dim, what does the mystery care?

Well or unwell, what does the mystery care?

Astute or obtuse, what does the mystery care?

Like or unlike, what does the mystery care?

Appealing or revolting, what does the mystery care?

Clear or opaque, what does the mystery care?

Thick or thin, what does the mystery care?

Brave or cowardly, what does the mystery care?

Sweet or sour, what does the mystery care?

Equal or lopsided, what does the mystery care?

King or slave, what does the mystery care?

Queen or whore, what does the mystery care?

Expansive or contractive, what does the mystery care?

Soft or harsh, what does the mystery care?

Young or old, what does the mystery care?

Male or female, what does the mystery care?

Honest or dishonest, what does the mystery care?

Wild or tame, what does the mystery care?

Early or late, what does the mystery care?

Pure or foul, what does the mystery care?

Cautious or reckless, what does the mystery care?

Hit or miss, what does the mystery care?

Lead or follow, what does the mystery care?

High or low, what does the mystery care?

Naive or cynical, what does the mystery care?

Truth or lie, what does the mystery care?

Deep or shallow, what does the mystery care?

Open or closed, what does the mystery care?

Rational or absurd, what does the mystery care?

Near or far, what does the mystery care?

Singular or dual, what does the mystery care?

In or out, what does the mystery care?

Free or imprisoned, what does the mystery care?

Yes or no, what does the mystery care?

Attached or detached, what does the mystery care?

Course or fine, what does the mystery care?

All or none, what does the mystery care?

Shiny or dull, what does the mystery care?

Smart or stupid, what does the mystery care?

Tall or short, what does the mystery care?

Forward or backward, what does the mystery care?

Before or after, what does the mystery care?

Selfless or selfish, what does the mystery care?

One or two, what does the mystery care?

Within or without, what does the mystery care?

Yay or nay, what does the mystery care?

Close or distant, what does the mystery care?

Normal or weird, what does the mystery care?

Wet or dry, what does the mystery care?

Hot or cold, what does the mystery care?

Constant or fickle, what does the mystery care?

Positive or negative, what does the mystery care?

Happy or sad, what does the mystery care?

Fair or unfair, what does the mystery care?

Over or under, what does the mystery care?

Similar or different, what does the mystery care?

Loose or tight, what does the mystery care?

Plus or minus, what does the mystery care?

Above or below, what does the mystery care?

Inside or outside, what does the mystery care?

Simple or complex, what does the mystery care?

Black or white, what does the mystery care?

Smooth or coarse, what does the mystery care?

Wide or narrow, what does the mystery care?

Gentle or cruel, what does the mystery care?

Humble or vain, what does the mystery care?

On or off, what does the mystery care?

Here or there, what does the mystery care?

Have or have not, what does the mystery care?

Sharp or dull, what does the mystery care?

Good or bad, what does the mystery care?

Right or wrong, what does the mystery care?

Everything or nothing, what does the mystery care?

Something or nothing, what does the mystery care?

White or black, what does the mystery care?

Light or dark, what does the mystery care?

This or that, what does the mystery care?